Preferences: Devil's Cove, being a prick, breaking balls, popping YOUR collar, and Chauch Grenades
Activities: Geometry Wars - Evolved, lowering my handicap, happy slapping the unsuspecting, and meeting stimulating and interesting people of an ancient culture, and killing them (with laughter of course)
Interests: Insulting innocent bystanders, making arrogant people laugh, complaining about my luscious head of hair, gulags, Bourbon, and eating my body weight in Salt Lick BBQ then vomiting
Perez Hilton
Anything by Teddy Pendergrass
Anything by the Coen Brothers, Barry Gordy's "The Last Dragon", and any good snuff film
ATHF, Family Guy, Lost, Metalocalypse
Guns Germs and Steel; The Encyclicon, Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible
Matthew Lesko, Anne Girod, people from Centralia Pennsylvania