Hack by the lovely MRS. [new]
Heyyyy sexy! =] I'm here to give you a new hack on our four months yay. Lovely, isn't it? Soo I can't wait to see you later on today & we're gonna be spending our four months at universal how fun. I meeees you like currrazy! Thaaaank you for giving me the most wonderful times of these four months since we have been together. (did that make sense?) We've actually been together longer so thank you for those times you've given me since then LOL. I just wanted to say I'm soooo freakin grateful and lucky to have you in my life. You're theee most amazing boyfriend/best friend ever. Seriously. I'll never love another, you can bet your bottom dollar on that. I'm sorry for all the rough times we've had and lord knows how many of them surfaced. But of course, as usual, AS expected, we overcome them. You know why? Cause we're in loooooove<3 We're always gonna get through the bumpy times in our relationship. Nothin' can stop us. Right, right? I loooove you so much it's unconditional. Everything about you is amazaaaang. You're the complete package for me, yknow. ;> & i know that when I'm off being that college girl we're still gonna be together because we're gonna make it work no matter the distance. I'm in it for the long run, remember? Thank you also for putting up with me. I'm a horrible person =[ I say the meanest things and give off the worst mood swings but you still stick by my side. You're even more amazing cause of that behbeh<3 You're just everrrrything to me and I don't know what I'd do without you. I'd be lost. Haha. I love spoiling your cute butt ;D it makes me happy to see you happy. Duhh. I love when you offer to pay even though I never let you. Sometimes. LOL but its the gesture that counts. I love it when you EAT! That puts a HUGE smile on my face. Haha everytime I txt you you're either eating, playing sro, eating, watching tv, or EATING. Ahaha I loooove it<3 Tehehe. You make me sooo happy and I know I've said that 984759463874598 times but it's soo true. & I know this school year I'm gonna be super busy and stressed and might not have enough time for you but I'm definitely going to make room for you & us cause I love you! Mmmk I'm gonna end it here officially. I love you behbeh! Don't you forget it. <3
Love always,
The MRS.
my ateh especially ;D