He's first then me. About SLD, let's see. Well it all started early in life. I grow up in the Church, because in my family, you had to go to Church until you were 18, then it was up to you. My grandmother had me and my cousins at the Church more then the Pastor was there. I love you Grandma for it. No telling were I might be if she didn't. I was on every auxilliary in the Church to. My favorite was the chior though. It was here that I fall in love with different tones and melodies in a song. Gospel is the heart and soul of all music. Even Elvis admitted that. As I grow, a friend of mine started DJ'ing and that was all she wrote. I was hooked. We use to just sit in he's attic or another friend of ours and just listen to mixes. The Progressive era was the best. Gotta love those twelve counts. It was shortly after this that I had to make a decision of either to try to follow a dream or face reality and get a job. Reality is a MOTHERFUCKER. Well, now I'm back. This time it's all about the beats. You can live in reality and still walk in a dream. Don't believe me, ask Donald Trump, Jay-Z, Lil Jon, or anyone who has made it. We walk on this Earth, but some of us are not of this Earth.Also, for those who don't know what SLD stands for. It stands for Sumtin Like Dat, but I'm thinking of changing it to Sum Lik Dat, because my music is different and I like it that way.Peace, Be Cool
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