I know what the back of my hand was made for...
HoeJme Treelow...you are the damn coolest person in the world...need anymore be said? I miss you sooooo much.
I call him brandon. I love him. Sometimes I rape him, but that's ok because he likes it. AND WE WILL FUCK THE USA AND THEN ALL OF EUROPE!!!!
Jolynn...You are TOTALLY rad! lool. Now maybe if you would ever get off of house arrest we could really see how fuckin' rad you are =P
My wife. Little Megan Mace. She's finally back from the AK! I'm ever soooo excited and I cannot wait to see my wife =) Will we ever have kids?! =O
Alicia baby...you're hella hardcore. Now maybe if your sorry ass could get back to the MT we could kick it. When you come back make sure to bring lots of appe jews
Holli-pop!! You're fuckin' goofy as hell...but that's why we put up with you =P Some people really need to learn when to not fuck with bitches turf though...we shall teach them a lesson =)
Gaby darling. I love you.
DYLAN!!! Learn metal so we can really tear it up. Remember that one band with those two chicks we started way back when? Good times eh? =)
Jamison...you are a jackass...but thats ok!! Seeing as I was like your very first friend out in the MT! Good times at school buddy.
Ella. I love you and miss you soooo much. I can't wait till I get back to Portland to see you =(
Hillary...dude your a fuckin' badass. We need to kick it more often >P
Raif. Metal all the way my bretherend. I'm always down for smokin' emo bitches =)
Freak... but it's ok because you're still cool =P