who i am
what i am
Ir.ParkGuarDz a.k.a Mathz MYRa
RAMBUT:lurus2 kerinting sbijik owen hargreavesTELINGA:keras a.k.a ketegaq MATA:kebiru-biruan BIBIR:tebal-dulu nipis bebbb MUKA:bersih-dari jauh nampak suci je.. DADA:saiz 32 PERUT:kotak2 PINGGANG:ramping-ala2 model kebaya PINGGUL:WOW!!slurppp PEHA:ala drumstick la.. BETIS:berbulu eeeee... KAKI:saiz 8.5,sama dgn KAKA tu beb IBU JARI:masih suci toyol tak hisap.*ciri2 diatas adalah diperlukan untuk bekerja dengan syarikat penerbangan malaysia air line (flight snow wash)-FHM most popular accupation 2007
-Well U Know Me-
>Great in bed ...
>Rare to find!
>Loves being in long relationships.=)
>Likes to give a good fight for what they want.
>Very high sex appeal.
>Sexy as fuck
>Very popular
>Outstanding kisser.
>Very funny
>Awesome personality
>Sexual as fuck.
>Most caring person you will ever meet!
>One of a kind.
>Not one to fuck with.