For humanity, whether at the collective or the individual realm, Utopic Space expresses itself on the day-to-day basis as a total compassionate love for all living things including oneself.
Serotonin-drenched mindscapes with open transdimensional vistas, spaces where the mind can unhinge from everyday earthbound constraints. An enchanting doorway opening out into the endless void, stretching into the cosmic abyss on a one-way interstellar space flight -- through the forgotten landscape of your broken, lonely soul. The Suspension between the Possible and the Impossible.
The Noosphere - The sphere of human consciousness or mental activity that grows out of the biosphere of the various species of creatures that exist on the surface of the earth, especially in relation to the force of evolution.
The Omega Point - The convergence of evolution with the revelation of the godhead yielding the true definition of vitalism which is the realization that the processes of life are not explicable by the laws of physics and chemistry, and that life is in some part self-determining. Both ideas depend upon a topology of mysticism that uses a dynamic sphere as its basis in a manner similar to the way Plotinus (204-274 AD), the neo-platonic philosopher, described the nature of absolute oneness.
"Our sense of reality is only true to the degree we are able to perceive all that is possible." ~ Paul Laffoley