I'am a daughter,sister, a soldier, a
cousin, a friend, a strong black woman...a grown woman
I' am confident and scared, terrified and excited
I'am loving and caring, and thoughtful and hopeful
I' am sick and tired. I'am shy and friendly, and careful and careless
I'am broken and whole. I'am misunderstood and misguided, and mislead.
I'am hardworking and determined, but a little scared on the inside.
I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to God and cry my tears.
I dont give a fuck about what other people think about me, because the people who cares dont matter, and the people who matters dont care
I been through too much to turn back, i let little things go and bigger things grow
I believe in passion and true love and all i can be is me...hate it or love it