The writters of the Matrix and Lord of the Rings. Deepak Chopra. Barack Obama. Buddha. Jesus. God. Vera Stanley Alder. Kahlil Gibran. Pope. Members of the white lodge. Gobi desert inhabitants.Almost all of these quotes have been written by me..."You can't judge a book by it's cover, but you can by the first sentence.""We are in constant motion and if you don't move with the world the time will pass you""Denial is the 8th deadly sin""Forgiveness is letting the prisoner go free and finding out the prisoner was you" "Your mind is a powerfull tool and if you sharpen it, you can cut through anything""The older I get, the smaller the world becomes""What the mind doesn't create, the world will never see""Men's muscles are the equivelent to woman's make-up""I'M A OPEN BOOK TO THOSE WHO CAN COMPREHEND MY READING""Believing is knowing & knowing is ever growing""Always do, for only the dead don't""THE EGO WANTS EVERYTHING, THE SOUL ALREADY HAS IT""The key to a womans heart is opening it"