About Me
My name is Little Cat and I am........5 years old (had to count there). I am female, not male, which for some reason my profile says I am; an obvious error there that I haven't been able to correct as of yet (it's hard typing with paws). I am a mostly Russian Blue and live in the Upstate of South Carolina. I have a very nice house and there are these humans who I let live in it too. They feed me, so I haven't given them the boot yet. However, recently there's this new........beast, ok, another feline in MY house. Humans seem to love her, and she's been eating out of MY bowl in MY kitchen and sleeping on MY furniture. If she isn't gone soon the humans will be. Other than that life's pretty good. Except last year the crazy humans put what looked like this giant water bowl in MY backyard, and its full of water. Can't drink out of it and I see no point in it. Needs to go. Speaking of goin, I need to go to sleep right now...........