I speak da truth dont get mad if u cant handle it! profile picture

I speak da truth dont get mad if u cant handle it!

I am here for Friends

About Me

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Who am I....I'm da same person I was yesturday gon stay da same. I keep it 100, I KEEP IT REAL DAT'S A PROMISE. I am CrAzY, SeXi, BeAuTiFul, InDePeNdEnT, StRoNg. I live my life to da fullest with no regrets in da end cuh mistakes are what make me...ME ya digg!!! I dont let nobody tell me what to do espeacially a man I got one Daddy and dat's all I need, aint nobody gon hold me down and keep me from doin me. I speak my mind I'm as real as dey come. SOME CALL ME A BITCH I'M JUS BEIN HONEST. I'm gon be ME regaurdless of who it might hurt,I aint da type to keep my mouth shut if you aint fam,and dats jus out of respesct of fam, if you aint got fam you aint got nothin other then dat I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU THINK OF ME MY OPINION IS DA ONLY ONE DAT MATTERS.IF YOU DONT LIKE ME REMEMBER MIND OVER MATTER...I DONT MIND AND YOU DONT MATTER...I GOT MY OWN LIFE/STYLE I AINT TRYNA PLEASE U R MAKE U SMILE!!! Come at me wrong and trust I'm gon come at you harder but it aint gon be with words I dont do all the talkin pety shyt got a problem solve it.I been thru so much shyt in my life Im to da point where Im like fuck it its time to do me fuck pleasin everyone else gotta do for me and mine if I dont who will. So I stay on my grind and take care of mine. I trust no nigga fear no bitches kiss no ass sux no dick niggas play games n r full of shyt so I'm gon do my job n be da baddest boss bitch {B.B.B}!!! $$M.O.E$$ As for you hatin ass bitches remember...IF YOU GON COME AT ME HATIN THRU DA COMPUTER FIGHTIN/ARGUIN OVER DA INTERNET IS LIKE RACIN IN DA SPEACIAL OLYMPICS EVEN IF YOU WIN YOU STILL RETARTED HATIN ASS BITCHES!!!!So dont come at me sideways cause I am a grown ass woman aint got time for high school games thats all pety shyt got better things to do....YA DIGG!!!!

My Interests

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My B~E~A~UTIFUL daughter named NEVAEH STARR get it right.Born AUGUST 25th (yes yes ya'll day before mine) She is the love of my life, my world,my heart,my soul,my sunshine, the ketchup to my fries the ice cream to my pie the apple of my eye(lol jejeje),my one and only,my number 1 priority,MY EVERYTHING!!! So if you cant handle that you can bounce up outta our life cause we dont need you in it if thats the case!!! My family means so much to me and I AINT just talkin blood so fuck with them TRUST WE GON HAVE PROBLEMS!!!
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I'd like to meet:

I want to meet A REAL MAN!!!!...If you need a definition look it up and I gaurntee you wont qualify.I AM A REAL WOMAN I WANT TO MEET A REAL MAN!!!!!Aint dat complicated to understand.....


"One good thing about music...when it hits you,You feel no pain"..Bob Marely..I love all types of music from hip~hop to classic to jazz to reggae to spanish.Good music dont have a type just like a good woman we come in all shapes, sizes, and forms!!!!!
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Comedy*Romance*Action* All most anything!!!


A&E,BET,MTV,Them shows like Law&Order/CSI you now the kind, or Reality TV both fake reality and the real ish like 48Hrs and intervension.
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I aint found a good book yet...Any suggestions?


GOD!!!!My Grandparents they the back bone to our family. They keep us grounded still till this day in their memory. Moment of silence............R.I.P.Grandma n Gramps. We all love and miss you so much!!!MY DAUGHTER WHO KEEPS ME SAIN!!!MY MAMA AND MY DADDY IF IT WASNT FOR THEM MY SEXY ASS WOULDNT BE HERE!!!!!FAMILY IN GENERAL YOU ARE NOTHIN WITHOUT FAMILY!!MY HUSBAND BOB MARLEY FOR BEIN SEXY AND MAKIN GOOD MUSIC LOL!! And anyone else makin GOOD MUSIC!!!

My Blog

Hella bored yo!!!

[Marital Status]Single and I aint lookin[Shoe size]9....I got fat feet but dey cute[Parents still together]Of course[Siblings]2 Brothers 1 Sister...and my twin jaja Shi~Shi[Pets]Yes zur...PitbullFAVOR...
Posted by I speak da truth dont get mad if u cant handle it! on Thu, 08 May 2008 08:34:00 PST