mk ultra profile picture

mk ultra

I was a short fuse, burning all the time

About Me

I'm not all that interesting. I'm not exactly your average suburban whiteboy, but then again, I'm not all that different from your average suburban whiteboy either. I was born in Tampa, Fla., spent my early childhood in SoCal and was stuck in the North Dallas area for most of my life until recently escaping to Austin. When asked, I usually say I'm from California, and someday I'll probably move back. I'm painfully introverted, unless I'm among friends, in which case I can be loud and borderline (?) obnoxious. I'm often stubborn, and particularly resent authority when it resides in the hands of those I consider unworthy (which is depressingly often the case). I've been playing guitar since I was 10, singing, writing my own music and playing out in bands since I was 17. I love music, but I'm too lazy to want to be a rockstar (don't let anyone tell you musicians have it easy; being in even a moderately successful band is more work than fun). I'm a total gear-whore, and have a major woody for vintage Gibsons, Fenders, Gretsches, Voxes Marshalls and Mesas. I also love driving and wrenching on cars. They needn't necessarily be fast so much as lightweight and tossable, and they absolutely MUST have double wishbone suspension because MacPherson struts are a shoddy engineering compromise suitable only for econoboxes. Oh, and PRNDLs are for wussies. My most recent passion is journalism, although the fucked-up, sorry-ass state of commercial American media is doing its damnedest to dampen it. Unfortunately, those who criticize it often don't know what they're talking about and deride it for all the wrong reasons while offering nothing in the way of realistic, constructive suggestions for improving it. I have a lot of very good friends who, along with my family, are the most important thing in the world to me. Since moving to Austin, there are several I don't get to see nearly often enough, but I'm slowly building a new life and meeting new people.
What Beatle are you?
John Lennon
You enjoy poetry, painting & a fine wine. A lover not a fighter.

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You Belong in Los Angeles
Whether you'll admit it or not, a huge part of you likes being in the spotlight.
And you may just have enough star quality to make it big in LA!
Even if you don't become famous, you still belong in a place where you can get a year round tan. Where Does Your Inner Californian Belong?

My Interests

Lateral acceleration, valve amplification, history, politics, music

I'd like to meet:

a few long-lost friends.


Burning Airlines, the Pixies, Nirvana, the Beatles, My Bloody Valentine, Spacemen 3, Tripping Daisy, Doosu, The Mermaid Purse, Bedhead, Velvet Underground, the Beta Band, Vince Guaraldi, Comet, jetscreamer, Gemma Hayes, Old 97's, Medicine, Ween, Mudhoney, Mercury Rev, Mazinga Phaser, HUM, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Jump Rope Girls, Course of Empire, Stan Getz, The Cars, Misguided Lemming, Dot Matrix, Glenn Miller, Light Bright Highway, Sonic Youth, Hank Williams Sr., Eisley, FB&theCs.


The Big Lebowski, Jackie Brown, Citizen Kane, Dazed and Confused, Lost in Translation, Up in Smoke, Singles, Blazing Saddles ... pr0n.


Get Smart, Cheers, Magnum P.I., Sledge Hammer!, Family Guy, The Dukes of Hazzard, The Simpsons, The X-Files, That '70s Show, Kids in the Hall, Californication


Post Office -- Charles Bukowski; Second Treatise of Government -- John Locke; The Bell Jar -- Sylvia Plath; Beatles Gear -- Andy Babiuk; Tale of a Tiger -- R.T. Smith; The Great Gatsby -- F. Scott Fitzgerald; The New Rulers of the World -- John Pilger; The "Prey" series -- John Sandford; Rum Punch -- Elmore Leonard; The Praise of Folly and other writings -- Desiderius Erasmus


John Lennon, Orson Welles, Thomas Jefferson, Adolf Galland, Peter Egan, Phil Hill, Soichiro Honda, Margaret Sanger, Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow

My Blog

first week gone

I've now been in Carrollton for a week. Nothing much has improved yet. It's the first grey day we've had since I've been here. Finally, the weather echoes my mood. My first week here, I was too wrappe...
Posted by mk ultra on Mon, 05 May 2008 10:35:00 PST


So here I am, in the last place I wanted to be. Back in Carrollton, Texas. It may not be the worst place in the world, but that doesn't make me hate it any less. I drove up here Sunday night, too depr...
Posted by mk ultra on Mon, 05 May 2008 10:34:00 PST

street racing, pt 1

It was a beautiful fall day in North Dallas, late 1999. I had just installed my new Jun 10-lb., forged chromoly flywheel and ACT HD/SS clutch in my 1994 Acura Integra, and was getting a feel for the ...
Posted by mk ultra on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 01:18:00 PST

wistful thinking

In about three weeks, it is likely that I'll be packing up and moving up to Dallas. Hopefully temporarily. I simply cannot afford to stay in Austin without a well-paying job, so unless one comes alo...
Posted by mk ultra on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:17:00 PST

The only thing that comes close is driving really, really fast.

God how I miss playing. I miss all of it. A big part of it, I guess, is that I miss actually being in a band. Being a part of something a little bit bigger than myself. Having three other people w...
Posted by mk ultra on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:07:00 PST

Texas vs. Ventura County

Before I made my trip out to California, I was impressed with the volume of discouraging comments people made when I'd tell them I was considering moving back there. So while I was there I kept making...
Posted by mk ultra on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 10:13:00 PST

a thoroughly enjoyable evening

Yesterday was my birthday, and one of the best birthdays I've had in a long time. It didn't exactly start out that way. I woke up earlier than I'd have liked to so I could go in to the basement and ...
Posted by mk ultra on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 01:39:00 PST

my silly-fun halloween costume

I am still a little giggly about it. It all started about a week ago, when I decided to put my silver hoops back in. I haven't worn earrings in at least a decade, but they went in without too much d...
Posted by mk ultra on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 10:03:00 PST

and it begins again

I've started writing the sequel to the novel I wrote over the summer, and it's an exciting feeling. This one isn't coming out in the sudden burst of inspiration the first one did, but that's OK. I'm t...
Posted by mk ultra on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 12:22:00 PST

silly surveys

This isn't exactly a survey. It's more about me bragging about things I've done in my life. But it was inspired by a survey. So here goes. I have: Flown an airplaneCaught a ride on the Goodyear B...
Posted by mk ultra on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:34:00 PST