My name is Simon Yi Wong Phan. Yes, my middle name is "Yi Wong" so laugh all you like; I've heard it all before.
My surname is pronounced "Parn"; not Fan, not Farn, and not Poon - PARN!
I'm Eurasian, my Dad is from Hong Kong and my mum is an Aussie. And yes it's true, half cast breeds are the best.
I speak Mandarin Chinese and also a little Portuguese ("cala a boca, tira a quero comer seu cu!")
I have a number of nicknames, the most common being "Phany", "GOSTOSO", "Rig", "Wong/Wonga", "Silver Surfer" and, unfortunately, "Sissy Boy" (you bastards!)
It's been said that I am a bit of a metro-sexual. I disagree. I love to espeto but I'm not into espeto na bunda! I do enjoy the odd Portuguese breakfast ;)
My favourite designers are Dolce & Gabbana, D Squared, G Star and Energie. I hate Roy, I hate Stevie and I hate Lenny.
The word I most frequently use is "OPA", followed closely by "C-unit".
I've been told I swear a lot.
I like to move it move it, and anyone who has seen me dance will testify to this!
If I could be anyone in the world I'd be Justin Timberlake.
I take Wednesday night Beginner Hip Hop classes at the Space with Phil. I suck!
I'm physically fit, physically fit, physically, physically, physically fit! Or well I used to be, until I lived in Taipei (aka Sin City) for 2 years.
There was a time when I was a gym junkie, who scoffed copious amounts of tuna (in spring water) and other forms of easily digestible protein. "I loved the feeling of the pump". I am no longer that man.
Smoking is a disgusting habit and I detest it.
My favourite flower is self-raising hahaha
Isn't it strange that the international sound for laughter is the same, yet every language spells it differently? e.g. English - hehehe/hahaha, Russian - xixixi, Slovakian - kakaka/kkkkkk, and Portuguese - heuheuheu/hauhauhau (what the hell is with that?)
I miss all my friends from my time in Asia: saudades, saudades, saudades.....
That's about it, oh just one last thing.....I don't know you, you're not my friend, SO DON'T ADD ME!!!!!