Mom: There is only one person whose been there through EVERYTHING with me. And I can't seem to make it right with them. I do wrong all the time; I rebel because I feel retarted. I'm a dumbass, and I won't lie I'm pretty smart school wise stupid common sense wise. I can't just let myself be myself always. My mom is the only one who ever tries to keep me on the right track. I'd break down a thousand times and die the worst deaths possible over and over again if I could take back every tear she ever cried over me. But i can't. And I'm sure there is no way I can ever make it better. But I want it to be known that I love my mother.
Jessica You're my wifee :) Not only that you're amazing. You're my best friend in the whole world. You're with me through the bad and good. Lately more bad; than good. But it's amazing how fun you are to be around.
At concerts; or me kickin' your butt at Mario Kart :)
Brandon Alright where do I begin? I am in love with this boy. He's simply amazingg. He is my world. :D I'm so crazy about him, I can't help but laugh at all the things we talk about; Canda, other girls trying to take him, My sillyness, his dorkyness. :) & I'm so happy that we've found each other again! :D Babyy you mean everything to me. We've been through so much; and I couldn't even begin to start with it. You're my love and the one I pray to end up with for the rest of my life. You're the best God Damn thing to ever happen to me. & I can't stand to think of me without you. You are the air I breath, and I can't stand any second away from you. 05.19.09 I lovee you.
GraceBestt Friendsss fer sure. You're amazing. We're totally gonna buy all the Power puff girls; Dexter; and like all the amazing things from Cartoon Network, and do marathons for like a week straight! It's gonna be totally awesome. You're the best. I can't see how people couldn't like you. You're just too cool.
Jakee ! :)You're amazingg. We're getting matching Neon green Hello Kitties on our arms with the initials and everything! I can't wait haha. I love you. You're freaking beast. I only have to beat you down sometimes like when you do REALLY stupid stuff. :)
Landon Best friendss. Fer sure. Energy Drinks; you always know just what to get me. You don't judge me, or tear me down. You're simply awesome. And I like to keep it that way. :) i love you.
Hobbes Silly boy. We loose things in your afro, and that is funn. I am the ONLY one allowed to touch it. :) That is a fact. You always try to act like you don't care about stuff. But I know you do. :) yayy! You're amazingg, cause I love you.
Darrell IloveYou. Okay you're more than I can describe. You have been my Best friend; and I can't even think of words to describe you. You're always there and never leaving. I hope. I plan to keep you in my life longer than forever.
sunshine layouts!