Adicta a mis hijos, la imsomnia, los buenos recuerdos y mejores amigos, las cosas simples, me encantan los acentos, la gente que siempre tiene buena onda y muchos huevos, los comentarios inapropiados y a los responsables, la inexperiencia, los comienzos, las rupturas (siempre terminas aprendiendo mas de lo que esperabas)y la comida hecha en casa, lo mas!!!.Con mis hijos descubri que el amor a primera vista,el incondicional y el que dura todita la vida, si existen.Is it posssible to raise an amazing kid @ 18?? well... we will have to ask my daughter, who is my strenght, my eyes, my sanity, my reality check, the first being who taught me what love is really about. I thank her for choosing me, to take care of her, she was too small to know better.....
I try to pay attention to everything and everybody, to learn from them, and mainly from my own experiences and mistakes, which are always around.
My mind betrays me, it's always thinking, analyzing, proyecting....I have no peace, I think way too much while I'm awake and when I sleep I am constantly dreaming.
High Maintenance?? can't stand it, I like simple plain things and moments. Friends, yes of course some of them are very very high maintenance, but I love them already, they make my life easier, happier, if there was a "People store",I will definetely take a couple of them back to be fixed, I always buy guarantee for everything. I am sure they will do the same, I am full of flaws.Love the places I have been to, the memories they have created, something that can never be taken away from me.
Love to getmy nails done, I feel like a Princess. Love good Chocolate ice Cream, sitting in the middle of Plaza Francia on a Sunny Day.
Love to wake up and cuddle for half an hour before getting out of bed. Love the day that I walked from Notredame to Eiffel Tower eating a Nutella Crepe, Love The Crazy, Hilarious, Espectacular "Mendoza's" how can we talk so much sh...when we are together? they are my family. Love Sonia and her Loud, Speak my mind, Motherly get off my way personality, love Miguel and I haven't even met him yet!! Adoreeeee Paco and his coolness, his out of this world friendship, his pacience. Alejandra!!!!!!!!!!!the best friend in the world, who will leave anything to come and hold me when I need it and last but not least, le amo a Renzo, I see him and I can't help not to smile.
Loveeeeee Noah, the love of my life, How is it posssible to feel this much??, he entered my world with 9 pounds 14 ounces and 23 inches!!! As soon as I saw those eyes I fell madly in love with him, no questions asked.
Love, to love like this and to be loved back.Me molestan las ondas armadas, los amigos que solo estan en las malas, los besos a medio centimetro de la mejilla, la gente sin cerebro mayor de 18, las palabras vacias, la
moda de los 80 y los colores pastel.I hate to be judged, to be missunderstood, to loose my pacience so fast, to be hard on other people and myself.
To be alone for a long time, hate Celery and dirty bitten nails.
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