Goo:)lsby profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Super hate Stickers. I really hate them. Kalyn you jerk. Putting that sticker on me. I almost started crying.on that note.I'm 19 and like Ketchup. Would like to see our Country get out of Debt and out of war. That would be pretty sweet. but unlikely. Listened to Dave Matthews Band for 3 hours the other day. I got 19 spankings and I gave Joe 19 kisses on the neck for our Birthday presents. Lykes girls but is scared of a relationship. Want love but don't want to end up toying with a heart of a good friend.I'M A SUCKER FOR PEOPLE WHO SAY I HAVE BEAUTIFUL EYES!!I love Jacob, C Love , Caleb, Joe, Joel, Pat, Charles, Wiley, Renny, Patrick, Finch, B Dial, B Bond, T Hand, Barrett, Scott, Alex, Andrew, Plummer, Ponch, Corey, CARL!!, Brad, Ricky, B Reid, Mardis, Lucas, Rusty, Nathan, and *KAT*. BFL ~ Bros 4 Life

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citruslayouts1's Layouts

My Blog

I've been feelin Real Good. In a Real intense mood to CLEAN!!

I've been cleaning soo much.  I've found a new love for organization and cleaning just wish I hadn't broke my Vaccumm and Carpet Cleaner but Hey stuff happens.  I went up to the Youth Room a...
Posted by on Thu, 25 May 2006 23:03:00 GMT

Itsaysamaxof95CharactersSoTimeToTakeAdvantageandSaythatThisi smyLongestSubjectLineProbablePWNAGE

Soooo....Hope everyone is doing fantastic.I'm here in my basement about 2:46 in the morning typing. I'm dressed in 2 layers of thermal underwear, I have ankle socks with one old person slipper on, and...
Posted by on Sun, 15 Jan 2006 01:01:00 GMT


On 1/08/06 I completely gave my life over to God. I have  been questioning my spiritual life. I have had reoccuring thoughts on the Curtainty of my Eternity. I have had such a weak witness ever s...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jan 2006 21:25:00 GMT