Myspace Layouts by
Myspace Layouts by
Porn, Music, nature and girls squirting.
Bitches and hoes. and Tori Freeland
I lisen to ever thing so I thing is well done. Mostly hardcore, metalcore and emo. But her goes nothing.Hard music: Nothingface, Ultraspank, Vision of Disorder, The Dillinger Escape Plan and I adapt(isl)Circus music: Faith no more, Dog Fashion Disco, Dr.Spock, everything so Mike Patton, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum and primusIndy: Arcade Fire, Modest Mouse.Rap: Onyx and Insane Clown PosseEasy music: Johnny Cash, Sufjan Stevens
Tim fucking Burton is best.
one tree hill,Lost, star trek, firefly I can not say more because I am a television freak.
Jon Pall. And the man who lost his dick and put it on again and be a porn star.