flips-stairs-rails-manuals-slides...hmmm nothing else
mia xara eimai me autous pou ksero!!!
What do you like to skate?: hmmmm,rails:Dcurbs:)stairs:/banks-.-
What state do you usually skate in?: agia paraskevi
Is this state good for skating?: hell yeah
What set-up you got right now?: chocolate deck-thunder trucks-zero wheels-pig bearings
Satisfied with it?: hell yeah
Would you recommend your set-up/products to others?: yeah;)
Who is your favorite skater?: mark appleyard
Why is this person your favorite skater?: for his style:D
Rail or stairs?: rail
Driveway or Park?: driveway
What do u do while not skating?: listen to music and imagine that i skate :D
Who do u skate with usually?: kosta noutso,vardava giorgo,all the skaters from agia:D and the list goes on
Trick you can never get?: 360 flip filosofikis set
Trick you fear the most?: crooked after the ankle sprain:(
Worst fall desription?: a nollie tailslide that i spraind my left ankle and a crooked that i spraind my right ankle:(
Any broken bones on this fall?: nope
favorite deck co.?: chocolate-girl
why?: etsi
favorite shoe co.?: lakai
why?: etsi
If you could go to one famous spot where would it be?: big 4 barcelona
Why would you wanna skate this spot?: etsi
Favorite video?: girl-yeah right
backside or frontside?: both
slide or grind?: both
nollie or fakie?: both
kickflip or heelfip?: both
VX or Gl?: ti leei?
long gap or big drop?: long gap
round or square rail?: square
rap kai merikes fores oti katsei!!!!varieme tora na leo san gay sigrothmata :P
girl yeah right forecast time to shine digital-sane.......etc....etc
h mana mou