tavou -.- profile picture

tavou -.-

I am here for Friends

About Me

eimai ena 18xrono remali pou exei provlimata sta podia kai vgainei me narkotika gia na kanei skate...xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa parakmi....den exo kati allo na po....opoios me kserei me kserei -.- kai opoios den me kserei tha me mathei :P

My Interests

flips-stairs-rails-manuals-slides...hmmm nothing else

I'd like to meet:

mia xara eimai me autous pou ksero!!!
What do you like to skate?: hmmmm,rails:Dcurbs:)stairs:/banks-.-
What state do you usually skate in?: agia paraskevi
Is this state good for skating?: hell yeah
What set-up you got right now?: chocolate deck-thunder trucks-zero wheels-pig bearings
Satisfied with it?: hell yeah
Would you recommend your set-up/products to others?: yeah;)
Who is your favorite skater?: mark appleyard
Why is this person your favorite skater?: for his style:D
Rail or stairs?: rail
Driveway or Park?: driveway
What do u do while not skating?: listen to music and imagine that i skate :D
Who do u skate with usually?: kosta noutso,vardava giorgo,all the skaters from agia:D and the list goes on
Trick you can never get?: 360 flip filosofikis set
Trick you fear the most?: crooked after the ankle sprain:(
Worst fall desription?: a nollie tailslide that i spraind my left ankle and a crooked that i spraind my right ankle:(
Any broken bones on this fall?: nope
favorite deck co.?: chocolate-girl
why?: etsi
favorite shoe co.?: lakai
why?: etsi
If you could go to one famous spot where would it be?: big 4 barcelona
Why would you wanna skate this spot?: etsi
Favorite video?: girl-yeah right
backside or frontside?: both
slide or grind?: both
nollie or fakie?: both
kickflip or heelfip?: both
VX or Gl?: ti leei?
long gap or big drop?: long gap
round or square rail?: square


rap kai merikes fores oti katsei!!!!varieme tora na leo san gay sigrothmata :P


girl yeah right forecast time to shine digital-sane.......etc....etc


.. ba!!!!




h mana mou