THe bOii WaS HoT ;] i WaNt HiM iN A gIfT BoX profile picture

THe bOii WaS HoT ;] i WaNt HiM iN A gIfT BoX

< nO ADD> SK8TeRBOii DisAsTeR=]

About Me

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He had the chance to leave, but he stayed.

NaMe: IrIs
BoRn: ApRiL 15
LoVeS:MysIsTeR,WaTeRmElOn N ChOcAlAtE =]
BfF's: CyNtHiA M,MiNeLlY,DiAnA
N OF CoURsE My sIsTeR FrOm aNoThEr mOtHeR
AdDiCtEd 2: MySpAcE, mUsIk
SiNgLe bUt cRuShInG oN a SeXY sKaTeRbOii cAlleD gEoRGe ;] =]

SkAtErbOii LoVe
LoVeS WiNnIe ThE PoOh =] [UpPsSeD]

My Interests

qEoRqE Is........

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I'd like to meet:

ThIZ iZ Da hOtTeSt dUdE On eArTh ;]


ThEsE GiRlS MeAn eVeRyThInG
2 Me thEy aRe lIkE My sIsTeRs.
ByThE WaY WeRe ThE C.I.P 4 LiFe.
wE CaN HaVe oUr uPs aNd doWnS BuT
ThAt dOeSnT MaTtEr 2 Us cUz wE
WiLl aLwAyS StIcK tOgEtHeR LiKe
glUe=]. I ♥ u GuYs!

My sIsTeR fRoM AnOtHeR
MoThEr =]....... wElL WaT CaN I TeLl u BoUt
hEr ShEs aLwAyZ BeEn thErE 4 Me no mAtTeR WaT wEvE
kNoWn eAcH OtHeR 4 2 LoNq. eVeN ThOuqH wE HaVe
OuR uPz n DoWnZ BuT It dONt mATtEr cUz wIlL AlWaYz

WeLl wAt can i tElL U BoUt hEr tHIz hErShEy
kIzZ RiGhT hErE iS THe BoMb. sHe lIkE My dIaRy
i tELl HeR AlMoSt eVeRyThInq EvEn tHoUgH We
hAvE OuR UpZ N DoWnZ We sTill cOoL nO MaTtEr
wAt So iF U mEsS WiTh hER u mEsS WiTh mE
oKeY PpL sO DoNt eVeN TrY 2 CuZ It GoNnA B
A 2 oN 1 iiGht LoVe u cUzO