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Its last call....gotta make em count

About Me

My name is Jon and im going to jus freely type here....im 23...theres times i feel like im 19, and times when i feel like im 30. i absolutly love to work out, and its not even that im lazy that i dont, im usually jus hungover, i dont know if thats any better. i still love playing video games, i own xbox 360, x box, ps2, playstation, super nintendo and my brother has the new wii thing, i dont like the last one to much. back in grade school i was into martial arts but i left it cause i wanted to play baseball one year which turned out to be a mistake cause i was a shitty left fielder but good at winning tournaments and for whatever reason i never got back into karate. i hate liars...if i catch u in a lie to me you can expect me to cut you out of my life and i will not feel bad about it at all. i used to work the most miserable shift at ups the "suicide shift" where i unloaded trucks at 3 in the morning and i never thought id here myself say this but god do i miss doing that was at an all time low in terms of feeling of worth but i was never in better pysical fittness. i got a pretty cushy office job now which i have a love hate relationship for, i guess all i got against it is its so dam boring, only excitment is the bad kind. i like to call radio shows when they are in a heated discusion that ppl are getting angry about and just say something totally off the wall random that i know will piss off a lot of ppl, is it right? no but dam does it entertain me. I recently quit smoking and it has got to be one of the hardest things to possibly do, i cant imagine if i smoked for 30 years like some ppl. Back when i was still an idiot i did some dum things but eventually everyone grows up and stop doing drugs and other shit. i recently bought a new car which im totally in love with although there is times i miss my old one. A question i get a lot is y dont you ever have a gf, dont u miss having someone? well the answer is no. i was in a 2 year relationship and it ended stupidly over nothing, im sure she has a different view on it but hey were friends now and thats what counts in the end, but anyway back to the point at hand if you have a super strong conection with someone then yes be with them and them exclusivly, i dont have that feeling with anyone and im not going to fake that i do to "have someones hand to hold" or waste a lot of money on, so yea thats why i prefer to either be alone or jus kinda let what happens happens ya know? im sure one day mrs right will come walking along and it will be good bye to jon holtman as we know him, or hell maybe she already has and i just dont know it yet...thats what i love about the future...you never fucking know. if theres one person i miss its my ex gf nicole...not like miss like "omg i want to be with you" she moved and i dont have her number so i have no way of ever contacting her which sux cause she was always fun to talk to and a very nice person, so hey if u ever come across this drop me a line sometime. haha. anyway im really just rambling at this point but hey its still all about me. i dont watch a lot of tv but the tv i do watch i get pissed off if i miss, smallville war at home and my boys are three great shows, well the first 2 at least. i have a lot of friends but every friend i have can basically be traced back to 1 of 3 things, 1 larkin, 2 pozo, 3 the time i worked at jewel(most notably sandra). i usually dont think things through ask anyone that knows me. i jus opened a new window and started doing some other random nonsense which reminds me that i have the attention span of a 5 year old. i wish my ps2 wastn broken. i want super powers. love the sox. i suck at school. people like to start fights with me at bars, on the one hand i hate it cause it sucks, but on the other i like releasing anger. i drink to much i know it. i hate myspace but is always the first websight i go to. i love my friends, they are everything. i think i put enough in, i might add later
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Edward Norton, Will Smith(name something hes done that is bad....go ahead ill wait....thats right nothin), Colin Farrel, and Tom Whellingtunak tunak tun

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-=Soundtrack of My Life!=-
Track 1: Intro - Rise Against - Swing Life Away
Track 2: Waking Up - Godsmack - Awake
Track 3: With Friends - Main Street Minority - Summer Song
Track 4: With That Special Someone - Cascada - Every Time We Touch
Track 5: Driving at Night - MEST - Cadillac
Track 6: Tense Situation - Slipknot - Snap
Track 7: Fight Breaks Out - Offspring - Come Out Swinging
Track 8: Relaxing - Dropkick Murphys - This is Your Life
Track 9: Sex Scene - Bloodhound Gang - Bad Touch
Track 10: The Morning After - Sum 41 - Machine Gun
Track 11: At Work - SR - 71 - Tomorrow
Track 12: Bad Mood - Dog Fashion Disco - Darkest Days
Track 13: Happy Mood - Blink 182 - Always
Track 14: Sad - Box Car Racer - Feel So
Track 15: Horny - All American Rejects - Dirty Little Secret
Track 16: In Love - Blue October - Calling You
Track 17: Breaking Up - Zebrahead - Hello Tomorrow
Track 18: Depressed - Seether - Broken
Track 19: Missed Memory - Story of the Year - Take Me Back
Track 20: - Walking Off Into The Sunset (Outro)- Andrew W.K. - We Want Fun


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