~ TELES ~ profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

~*~ONE WHEEL TO THE SKY ~*~ ....HEY WHAT'S UP, MY NAME IS TANIA, SOME OF MY FRIENDS CALL ME " T ". I'M 25 YEARS OLD AND DEFINATELY TRYING TO LIVE LIFE TO IT'S FULLEST. I'M FULL BLOODED AZOREAN (PORTUGUESE), I WAS BORN IN S�O MIGUEL, AZORES AND DAMN PROUD OF IT TOO. FIRST OF ALL I LOVE MY FAMILY THEY MEAN THE WORLD TO ME, THEY'RE MY #1 PRIORITY. I HAVE 3 AMAZING YOUNGER SISTERS AND A WONDERFUL YOUNGER BROTHER. WHICH UNFORTUNATELY I LOST ON OCT. 8 OF 06. I LOVE AND MISS HIM DEARLY, HE TAUGHT ME ALOT ABOUT LIFE AND APPRECIATING EVERYTHING IN LIFE. I JUST LOVE BEING OUT DOING SOMETHING WHATEVER IT IS, I DON'T REALLY LIKE STAYING HOME ALL THE TIME, ONCE IN AWHILE IS FINE TO JUST LAY BACK WATCH A MOVIE OR SOMETHING. AS MY BROTHER FABIO WOULD PUT IT, " LIFE'S LIKE A ROAD, THERE ARE ALWAYS TIMES IT'S SMOOTH AND TIMES IT'S ROUGH. YOU NEVER KNOW WHERE LIFE TAKES YOU, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TRY TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH TO TAKE. SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO MOVE TWO STEPS BACK IN ORDER TO MOVE ONE STEP FORWARD!! " LIFE'S TOO SHORT TO WORRY ABOUT SMALL STUFF OR HAVE REGRETS. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES FOR A REASON, AND THAT IS TO LEARN FROM THOSE MISTAKES. LIFE'S TOO SHORT, LIVE IT TO IT'S FULLEST. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT ME JUST ASK AWAY, OR AIM ME AT " BABYANGEL212003 "They say when you lose a loved one, their soul goes to heaven forever. That's what happened to me for I lost my only brother, he was my friend and my protector I just always assumed that he would be there forever. But then one day God took him away, and in a way a part of me died that day. I miss him very much and think about him everyday, there are many lives that he touched, and always had nice things to say. Even though he's not with me I know he watches over me and I will see him again some day. I will never forget him ever, I'll always keep our memories together alive. Even though I will have to move on with my life without him beside me, he will always be a part of me and my life.
*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:
Name: Tania
Date of Birth: December 23, 1981
Birthplace: Ponta Delgada, S�o Miguel , Azores
Current Location: Taunton, MA
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5' 5"
Heritage: Portuguese, European
Piercings: 11
Tattoos: 4
Band/Singer: I don't have a fav. I like all kinds of bands
Song: Don't have one, I like all kinds of songs
Movie: Don't have a fav.
Disney Movie: Don't have a fav.
TV show: Don't have a fav.
Color: Baby Blue
Food: Don't have a fav.
Pizza topping: Vegetables
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Drink (alcoholic): Mangolian Mother Fuckers
Soda: Pepsi
Store: Don't have a fav.
Clothing Brand: Hollister, AE, A&F, Aero
Shoe Brand: Don't have a fav.
Season: Summer
Month: Don't have a fav.
Holiday/Festival: Don't have a fav.
Flower: Don't have a fav.
Make-Up Item: I don't wear make-up
Board game: Don't have a fav.
This or That
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Fruit
Night or day: Day
Sour or sweet: Sweet
Love or money: Love
Phone or in person: In person
Looks or personality: Both
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: not sure yet
Most missed memory: Having my brother Fabio here with me, I miss you Fabz, R.I.P. Lil brother.
Best physical feature: Eyes & Smile
First thought waking up: Do don't really want to get up, LOL
Hypothetical personality disorder: None
Preferred type of plastic surgery: None
Sesame street alter ego: Elmo
Fairytale alter ego: None
Most stupid remark: Can't remember
Worst crime: It's a secret, LOL
Greatest ambition: To buy my first house
Greatest fear: none at the time, I already faced my worst fear 8 months ago, when I lost my little brother
Darkest secret: I don't have one
Favorite subject: Don't have a fav.
Strangest received gift: None
Worst habit: Biting my nails
Do You:
Smoke: yes
Drink: on occation
Curse: sometimes
Shower daily: yes
Like thunderstorms: yes
Dance in the rain: I've done it before
Sing: yeah right, when no ones around maybe. LOL
Play an instrument: I used to as a kid, the Piano
Get along with your parents: yes, My family is my world, them mean everything to me.
Wish on stars: Sometimes
Believe in fate: Yes
Believe in love at first sight: Yes
Can You:
Drive: Yes
Sew: Yes
Cook: Yes
Speak another language: Yes, Portuguese
Dance: Yes, when I've had a few to drink, otherwise I'm too shy to get on the dance floor. LOL
Sing: No
Touch your nose with your tongue: Yes
Whistle: Yes
Curl your tongue: Yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Yes
Been Stoned/High: Yes
Eaten Sushi: Yes
Been in Love: Yes
Skipped school: Yes
Made prank calls: Yes
Sent someone a love letter: Yes
Stolen something: Yes, when I was a kid
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? When they think they are better than everone else.
Are you right or left handed? right handed
What is your bedtime? I don't have a bedtime
Name three things you can't live without: My Family and my close friends, that's pretty much all I need. Everything else is replaceable
What is the color of your room? Light Blue
Do you have any siblings? yes one amazing brother, R.I.P. Fabz, and 3 wonderful sisters, I love you all
Do you have any pets? No
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? No, No one has the right to take anyones life away. Life is priceless
What is you middle name? Marilia
What are you nicknames? T
Are you for or against gay marriage? For gay marriage, we are all humans, We should all have the same rights.
What are your thoughts ..ion? I'm against it, unless if it's a life or death situation for the Mother. Other than that, people should either close their legs or have safe sex.
Do you have a crush on anyone? No
Are you afraid of the dark? No
How do you want to die? Fast and painless death
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? 2
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Yes
What is the last law you’ve broken? That's for me to know, and for you to find out. LOL
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Blonde or Brunette
Eye color: light colored eyes
Height either shorter than me or not too much taller than me
Weight no more than average
Most important physical feature: it doesn't mater
Biggest turn-off bad hygiene
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at PimpSurveys.com~*~In my mind I hear your laughter In my dreams I see your face In my heart I feel your presence Through that dark and empty spaceIn the wind I hear your crying In my sleep I hold you tight In the dark your voice is singing And it helps me through the nightIn the dawn when I awaken, In the cold, harsh light of day I can feel your warmth within me And it never goes away~*~

My Interests

~*~It broke my heart to lose you, But you did not go alone. Part of me went with you, the day God called you home. A million times I've thought of you, A million times I've cryed. If loving could have saved you, You would have never died. Forgive me Lord, I'll always weep For the brother I loved, but could not keep.~*~
Your Birthdate: December 23
You're not good at any one thing, and that's the problem.
You're good at so much - you never know what to do.
Change is in your blood, and you don't stick to much for long.
You are destined for a life of travel and fun.

Your strength: Your likeability

Your weakness: You never feel satisfied

Your power color: Bright yellow

Your power symbol: Asterisk

Your power month: May What Does Your Birth Date Mean?~*~We've only just began, and thats the hardest part. So careful not to end it, Before it really starts.Discovering how to make you smile, and subjects to avoid. Can be hard sometimes, for life to be enjoyed.We've shared so little time so far, but all we've hads been good. I've felt more the past few days, than I thought I ever could.So if you leave tomorrow, I'll have but one regret. And thats - that though I'll care for you, I'd wish the boundaries we had leapt.~*~~*~It's time to say goodbye, Time to let go, This is the hardest time of my life, 'Cuz I'm losing the one I love so.I know you and I could never be together, But in my heart you remain forever.I can't believe it's all over, it's gone by so fast, Now there are memories in my heart that will always last.When I look into your eyes all I see, is the good times that were spent between you and me.~*~~*~I see now that the tables have turned, And it is you who has now been burned. For all the pain you've caused me in the past, Has turned your way and hit you at last. It is your heart that been broken this time around. I just stand here and watch it crumble to the ground. I couldn't ask for anything more, Than to see you get what you've been asking for. I'm sorry i wasn't the one to break your heart. I just came to see it get ripped apart. You see now you're the pawn in your own deadly game. I'm just here to throw gas on the flame. So your time had come and you have learned, If you play with fire you're going to get burned.~*~~*~Beauty is a relative thing that grows within the mind. Inspired by warmth and tenderness and to all cares, is blind.The beauty that, at first, we see is not the one to trust. The perfect grace we always seek lies deep beneath the crust.The gift of truest beauty cannot by all be had, so once you seek and find it, Rejoice! my friend, be glad!The time you spend in searching for beauty that's plain to see will be hours of wasted effort for, beauty can only be the bright and inner glowing we seldom look to see.~*~~*~Watching you walk out of my life Hasn't made me bitter or cynical about love, but rather, it has shown me that if I wanted so badly to be with the wrong person. How beautiful it will be when, the right one comes along.~*~~*~Letting go of someone dear to you is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn't even feel the same is much harder. Giving up doesn't mean you are weak! It only means that you are strong enough to let go.~*~~*~Love is not about finding the right person, but creating a right relationship. It's not about how much love you have in the begining, but how much love you build till the end.~*~ ~*~Don't use your eyes to look for love, for it's your heart that knows it. Let yourself make mistakes and do learn from this. It is from this that you will accumulate your knowledge as to whether the person met is the one or not.~*~~*~A break up is like a broken mirror. It is better to leave it broken, than hurt yourself trying to fix it.~*~ ~*~There's only one thing I regret doing, loving the girl who didn't love me, and forgetting the one who did.~*~
Your Love Element Is Fire
In love, you are a true listener and totally present.
For you, love is all about feeling more alive than you've ever felt.

You attract others with your joy and passion.
Your flirting style is defined by your strong ability to communicate.

Fun and play are the cornerstones of your love life.
And while your flame may burn too brightly, it's part of your appeal.

You connect best with: Wood

Avoid: Water

You and another Fire element: will likely burn out quickly What Element Is Your Love?





~*~R.I.P. Fabio Joao Teles~*~
Rocket Crash: Man, 22, dies riding speedy 'crotch rocket' motorcycleTAUNTON - A hidden strip behind a Target store known to dirtbike riders and racing enthusiasts claimed the life of a young city man Sunday. Fabio Teles, 22, was pronounced dead at the scene, the result of extensive injuries from a motorcycle crash. The body was discovered by an aquaintence of Teles' who had been riding his dirtbike in a grassy area nearby. At 2:29 p.m. police were called to the loading dock area behind the Taunton Depot Drive Target for what they at first believed to be a person who had fallen off a bike. Once Patrolwoman Debbie Lavoie arrived, however, she found the dismembered body of Teles, along with his mangled black and red 2005 Honda CBR 600 - a kind of high-performance sportbike motorcycle commonly known as a "crotch-rocket." Teles lost control of his bike and struck a cement pylon near the back rear stairway of the store, police said. Speed is believed to be the key factor, but police are reluctant to say for certain until further investigation rules out other causes. "I don't think he realized the power behind him," said crash reconstructionist Sgt. Paul D. Roderick, referring to the motorcycle. For more than four hours, Roderick worked behind the store to piece together the sequence of events. Scuffs and skid marks, either from Teles or others, led police to believe the strip was used as an arena where motorcyclists performed stunts and tricks, possibly at high speed. No one actually saw Teles go down, because his friend had been riding elsewhere, Roderick said. "The kid said he saw Teles riding up and down [behind Target]," he said. "And when he came back [from a dirtbike path], he didn't see him." Once that biker noticed Teles' bike on the ground, he began pounding on Target's back door. Target employees rushed to the rear. "They sent out people with emergency kits and everything, thinking they could save him," Roderick said. "But there was nothing anyone could do." The scene was gruesome. Teles' acquaintance went into shock and was taken to Morton Hospital and Medical Center for treatment. Teles was issued a motorcycle permit In March and bought his bike a month later. Overall, he had seven months of riding experience. Teles was the only son among four sisters, and the second eldest. He was a 2003 Bristol Plymouth High School graduate. He always wanted to have a good time, said his sister, Pamela Teles, as family gathered last night at a Whittenton Street home. "He was fun and outgoing," Teles said. "He always wanted to make the best of the situation."~*My Personal Angel*~I often feel your presence when I close my eyes at night, I feel the gentle whisper of your wings as you pass me by so light.Your loving soul brings me comfort as it did when you were here, drifting safely within reach letting me hold you dear.Your heart helps to guide me and your spirit calms my tears, you give me the courage I need to conquer my fears.My thanks and my love go to my personal angel, I take you with me every day and of the things I do in life, your love and efforts I will repay.I miss you Fabio.~*Helder Joao Ferreira~*~
*May 16, 1983-Feb 17, 2002*
To my Brother Fabio and my cousin Helder, who never got a fair chance at life. Who thought me to live life to it's fullest, and live each and everyday as if it were my last. And no matter what life throws at you, always stand tall, and hang in there.Crash victim was junior at New Bedford High By CURT BROWN, Standard-Times staff writerNEW BEDFORD -- State police identified the 18-year-old city man who was killed in a fatal accident Sunday on Route 140 as Helder J. Ferreira. Mr. Ferreira of 373 Belleville Ave., a junior at New Bedford High School, suffered massive head trauma and was pronounced dead at the scene after the crash on Route 140 southbound near the Braley Road exit. A passenger in the 1995 Ford Probe that Mr. Ferreira was driving, Luis Cabral, suffered cuts and abrasions and was hospitalized at St. Luke's Hospital, according to state police. There was no information regarding Mr. Cabral's age or address. State police said Mr. Ferreira's vehicle was traveling south on Route 140 in the high-speed lane as a 2001 Toyota 4Runner, operated by Kathleen M. Ettinger, 55, of South Easton was entering the highway from Braley Road. The Toyota drove into the high-speed lane and forced the Ford Probe off the road and into the median strip, according to state police. State police said Mr. Ferreira apparently swerved to avoid a collision and lost control of his car. State police said there was no contact between the two vehicles. Mr. Ferreira's vehicle rolled over three or four times and came to rest in the right travel lane on the northbound side of Route 140, state police said. State police said neither Mr. Ferreira nor his passenger were wearing seat belts. Ms. Ettinger was not injured. State police said the accident remains under investigation
Time passes, but not the love I have for you, nor the ache inside of me because you are not here.You were with us for as long as God allowed. You were real. You existed. You counted.You were with us for a too short time, but it was time enough to love you, for you to make a difference in our lives.You could not stay, but thoughts of you will forever remain, as does the love this day, tempered by the pain....
~*~I cannot think you're not alive somewhere. I think of you just as I did before. No sudden gust of wind has closed the door Or made your presence vanish in thin air. I write you this because I know you're there; That even after death there must be more. So does faith ones inner sun restore After bitter darkness few can bear. My mind and heart have not yet lost a friend Even though my senses are bereft, For you remain the witness of my soul. No mere accident our love can end So long as I have will and memory left, And you lie silent on some unknown shoal.~*~