Weight Lifting, Boxing,Sci Fi, Mustangs
Adolf Hitler, and ask him what the hell he was thinking, and to kick him in the balls',lol'. Just kidding, if I could meet anyone that is still breatheing it would be Samuel L Jackson. He seems to be a deep person with an unabstructed view on todays society.And all of the people who have ever hurt a woman so I could beat the shit out of them.
Josh Stone R.I.P.
All Except anyhting like Broke Back Mountain.
House, Law & Order. Deadwood,Faimly
Funny Images @ Bopmyspace.com
Stephen King, Dean Koontz.
All those who have served honorably in the armed forces espically the U.S.M.C. All single mothers as my mother was. Teachers, and all of those who give to others in need. My wife for all of her hard work. she gives all to her faimly and leaves little for herself at the end of the day.