PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.com I like it all. Classic rock, country, oldies, just about anything new, 80's, 90's, whatever, I'm easy to please. People make fun, but I really like Tom Jones and Barry White. Led Zeppelin is great. I also have Kelly Clarkson's CD and I love it. I'm a big girl, I know. Two CD's I love that aren't music - Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg. If you know who they are, you're cool. If not, you suck at life. PimpMySpace PhatPimpClothing.com
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Greys Anatomy, Family Guy, The Office, Futurama, all the stupid reality shows on VH1 and MTV, I can't get enough of them.
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Anything James Patterson or Janet Evonavich. A book doesn't really keep my attention unless it's got some murders and things of that nature. I'm kinda warped in that way.
Not any specific person, but all the people that have, and continue to enlist in the service and put their lives on the line for us to have the kind of freedom we have. I know I'd never have the balls to do it.