I like smiling and laughing
I'm a rather happy girl
I luv all my mates to bits
mess with them and you're messing with me
dont try and detroy me..it'll backfire
Ich denke an dir...
i'm trying to teach my self not to regret things.."never regret anything because at one stage of your life it was what you wanted to do "..am trying but failing!
this past few months have reshaped my entire life and future.
i cant stand it when people lie..but i hate it even more when people cheat on their partner.
if you walk out of my life, don't you dare try and come back
NoThInG iN tHiS wOrLd ThAtS wOrTh LiViNg FoR cOmEs EaSy.
if there is anything else you want to know just add me
go on..give me something to smile about :D