Roy profile picture


If Eve hadn't made Adam take a bite, we wouldn't be in this mess!

About Me

I was raised a "poor black cotton picker in Alabama"...Oh! sorry...that was another life. I have reached the point in my life were I can be called "an older man". If younger women find me attractive and I "give in" and date them...then I become a "dirty old man" not a bad thing! Since all "dead and ex-husbands" were abusive and I happen to be at least one of those...then to some I guess I am abusive...but a wise person would consider the source...because the only thing worse than a woman a woman caught! But I know me better than anyone and I wil tell you right off the bat...I make a lot of mistakes. My mouth sometimes gets me in trouble...but if I accidently hurt someone...and I have never in my life set out to hurt anyone...I am a big enough person to say I am sorry and mean it...and along with that I can over look almost all of your short-coming and forgive you when you treat me like a "low down good for nothing dirty rat"! Now those comments are still don't know me...better just ask!

My Interests

women...and anything they would enjoy us doing together!

I'd like to meet:

My soul mate, a very rich woman that wants me for my body, or Larry the cable guy!


rock n


Favorite old movie..."It's a wonderful Life" Favorite new movies..."A walk to Remember", "Forest Gump", and "O Brother, where art Thou"


rarely ever


John Jakes is my favorite


Always been cowboys!

My Blog

To the married folks!

..> To the married folks! ...
Posted by Roy on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 07:43:00 PST

What is with the Attitude

What is with the AttitudeBody: I wanted to sleep in today...but my biological clock said..."hey dummy it is past 4:00 you gonna be late for something". So, I lay there wide eyed and said to myself......
Posted by Roy on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 05:45:00 PST

My Promise To Myself

I make a pledge every day of my life to live it to the fullest; smell every flower, dance in the rain, laugh till the dark clouds fade away. I vow never to waste one minute regreting the past or being...
Posted by Roy on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 05:11:00 PST

How to figure women out! (for guys only)

Body: Men, we have heard all our lives that you simply cannot figure women out. The reason for this is all women are different! So your best bet is to figure out the one you are interested in. And try...
Posted by Roy on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 04:44:00 PST

Found the answer to why women ask men to marry them?

The Five Men You Must Have in Your Life at All TimesThere are five men you must endeavor to have in your life at all times in order to have the equivalent of one completely satisfactory man. It ...
Posted by Roy on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 03:16:00 PST