I'd like to meet:
There are soooo many people that I would love to meet, but I wonder how many people out there would like to meet me.My name is Rich aka tOO taLL, for those who know me you'll understand why.I live in Southern Ontario, in the BURBS. For the past 7 yrs of my life I have endulge in the club culture, here in Toronto !!! Promoting for the Guvernment & Kool Haus Entertainment Complex, and for all of the AMAZING resident DJ'S ! I LOVE IT. Cheerleading for the Canadian DJ's & being an EMBASSADOR for the International DJ's who LUV TORONTO !!! I even have pictures and an article in OUR local club culture magazine " Scenester "! Established in 2004, the one of kind magazine looks at the culture throughout Toronto, with club listings, fashion / music updates, interviews, and for all you SKETCHY people, there's even a MAP. I'm not hard to miss in the local clubs dancing all night to our TORONTO DJ's !!!Look for me, I'm the TALL GUY :::) c'ya on the other SIDEfor info check some of my sites :) for guestlist info : just text :)www.luvtheguv.com www.scenestermag.com www.theguvernment.com www,dragonflynightclub.comMoving on, would you BELIEVE that I am ADDICTED to SPORTS !!! I also Umpire baseball in Canada. I'm a die hard Blue Jays Fan -- HARDCORE !!! and well the LEAFS, hopefully in my lifetime I'll see the Stanley Cup come back to Toronto, where it BELONGS !!!www.torontobluejays.com www.mapleleafs.com