She isn't what you first imagine.
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Im not tall and im not skinny, does that make me ugly? I dont like going to school and i dont like spiders, surprised? I like to go to hardcore concerts and mosh the shit outta my converse. I wear black skinnies and makeup, does that make me emo? I dont eat much meat, does that make me vegetarian? I dont eat lollies, does that make me anorexic? If all your going to do is lable me, or talk trash, GTFO. I dont have time for people like that.
'Oh, I can get sexual too.'
Hes everything you wish you where.
I want nothing more than to have you in my arms forever.
You mean the world and more to me.
You make me the happiest girl alive.
I am so lucky to be able to call you mine.
I love you James Brewer.
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