Laura profile picture


YOUR aura's brown...what a stupid thing to say to me

About Me

hi! im laura 18 and i go to depaul university. im an accounting major right now, but who knows how long thatll last. i like lots of things, like dennis...and talking and snuggling and taking pictures and making friendship bracelets and playing music and listening to music and laughing and making people laugh and being on the computer and decorating things and helping people and sleeping and eating. im pretty easy to get along with. i like to smile. im sorta nerdy. sometimes i like to get dressed up...but most of the time im wearing sweatpants, and that is okay with me.

My Interests

theater, softball, muuuusic, speech, my friends, my family, helping people, taking pictures....i could go on and on

I'd like to meet:

im crossing my fingers that my baby one day is this awesome.... hope this brightens up your day :o)


i have too much of a strange and random taste in music that im not even gonna try. i pretty much like everything, except heavy metal (does that even count as music?) .....but i mean EVERYTHING. really.


lotsa um, love stories...runaway bride, love actually, pride and prejudice (jessica!), city of angels, the notebook....anything disney, especially hercules and mulan, and the classics of course....ANCHORMAN (love it)....lord of the rings movies....and any of that cheesy stuff gets me. usually.


buffy, american idol, sex and the city, family guy, top chef, hgtv.


my sister, lisa marie pauletto, is my hero.

My Blog

its been a while since weve had one this funny.

Chrry717 (10:31:57 PM): im sitting in the lounge surrounded by maybe 7 or 8 books and about 50 photocopied pages and i look derangedLiliukalani59 (10:32:19 PM): goodAuto response from Chrry717 (10:32:...
Posted by Laura on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:15:00 PST

why it sure has been awhile

this is not a real blog entry, not to burst your bubble. but quick update- im at college, finally, and i love it here. miss you all though. honestly. when i installed microsoft word on my laptop, this...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:01:00 PST

i just thought this conversation was amusing.

Liliukalani59 (1:20:19 AM): goodnight sockembopemoLiLFLiP522o (1:20:25 AM): what?Liliukalani59 (1:20:28 AM): you heard meoLiLFLiP522o (1:20:29 AM): sockembopem?oLiLFLiP522o (1:20:35 AM): that...doesn'...
Posted by Laura on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:29:00 PST

a new blog so soon? only because this is funny

Chrry717 (11:39:41 PM): oh i dont careChrry717 (11:39:48 PM): you do what you want!Liliukalani59 (11:39:59 PM): ohh i can see through that emily june.Chrry717 (11:40:01 PM): my feelings arent importan...
Posted by Laura on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 10:04:00 PST

spring break '06 wooooot!

yes, im home from disney. and yes i know youre so happy that im back. it was a grrreat time! i wont go into too much detail....but lets just say i was disgusting all week, but i did meet beauty and th...
Posted by Laura on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 11:58:00 PST

light up, light if you have a choice. just realizing how little time i have left here.... and ive been having a wonderful time lately. an amazing time, if you will. and i just want these last couple months to stay...
Posted by Laura on Tue, 28 Feb 2006 09:11:00 PST

a joke just for you!

  what do a bicycle, a chicken, and a frog all have in common?   they all have handlebars!   well...except the frog and the chicken.      ...
Posted by Laura on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 08:39:00 PST

thanksgiving.... hoo-rah

just thought I'd wish you all a happy thanksgiving and such..... .....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!  thanksgivings probably one of my favorite all know how much i love food...and especially...
Posted by Laura on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 06:36:00 PST

just thought id share with you an average laura and em conversation

Liliukalani59 (8:23:27 PM): okay so i had to come back to tell you thisLiliukalani59 (8:23:29 PM): i went downstairsLiliukalani59 (8:23:50 PM): and on the counter is  a book called "100 people wh...
Posted by Laura on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 07:39:00 PST

blippity blop

alright well i havent really posted anything for a while so i know you guys are bored with my site...i figured id spice it up a little bit with a new blog.... well...last night was fun, huh guys?...
Posted by Laura on Sun, 18 Sep 2005 03:09:00 PST