PuLCHriTudE {+} profile picture

PuLCHriTudE {+}

In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different::::belief in the iNDiViDUAL GENious::::

About Me


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My TRUE love!!!....I love the beach. I love to paint. I love to sing. I have a beautiful voice and I love to brag about it. I wish poverty was abolished. I wish everyone was well off. I love ALL my friends. I love meeting new people. I love having fun.I wish simple laughter could cure every deadly disease. I believe laughter is the greatest medicine. I love GOD. I wish I was already filming movies. I wish I wouldnt think about things soooo much. I wish I went swimming with dolphins. I believe its the little things that count. I don't care what people think of me. I am a FASHIONISTA. I love to people watch. I love learning. I tend to hold grudges but am working on it. I don't want to get old. I get scared easily. I am never on time. I think there is some good in everyone. I can count in French. I love dark chocolate. I wish I could see the future or read minds. I am COOL. Im bilingual. I love to act. I love to dance. I am a performer. I am honest but not mean honest, NICE sincere honest. I am stubborn. I am VERY sensitive. I cry for sad movies. I cried when I saw "the diary of Anne Frank". I love to dress people. I am claustrophobic. I am a procrastinator. I am very organized for the first ten minutes after I clean. I hate cleaning. I think cleaning is a waste of time and keeps you from LIFE. I love long girl talks. I think my hand accident was the worst experience of my life. I hate my scar. I cant cross any of the fingers on my left hand. I think San Diego California is the best place to live in. I miss san diego. I miss my family. I have some really pretty friends. I like my meat cooked and well done, almost burned. I am extremly picky with some things. I tend to dose off in the middle of conversations, not because I dont CARe but because I get distracted easily. I tend worry a lot. I love CHAMOY. I have been hospitalized several times, most of them because of chamoy. college is..so far a great experience. tated nickname: SEDUCTIVE SELENE. I spend too much time writing on myspace and facebook.HELLO! MY name is SELENE! VERY glad to meet YOU!AXO for LiFE!!!!oh yeah I HEART JOHNNY DEPP real bad!!!!

My Interests


I am the original DESiGN,"though you're sleeping right next to me.. it feels like you're wide awake in a distant dream, leading a life that is finally free of these endless nights and countless fights that turn us into who we hate to be. "~~~~~~~~ .."Cowardice asks the question, 'is it safe?'; expediency asks the question, 'is it politic?'; vanity asks the question, 'is it popular?'; but conscience asks the question, 'is it right?'; and there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but because conscience tells one it is right." - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)................................................. ..............I look UP to HeR!!! the NEW JOy in my life.....MY sis...ITZY,   I LOVE them!!!.......    I lOVE this KIDD!!.....   oNe ThEre......   ANd yEAH we hit UP "the CoMmonS" wiTh MiXEd perSOnaliTIES...   I will make a DiFFERENCE...

I'd like to meet:

Facebook me!JOhNNY DEPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:::|~~I.have.met.the.coolest.of.people,...there's.still.a.li ttle.room.for.more|~:::

Tellll ME HE ISN"T GORGEOUS!!!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!! ADAM GARCIA!!!!!!! marry me!


JUST KNOW THAT I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVe MUSiK. it Gets me through the WORst of times and is there to enjoy with me the best of EVERything.I'll listen to anything that's good, preferably i like music that has a lot of feelingi ilke: (british/uk pop, ALTERNATiVE (is my favorite genre), punk, rock-pop.), (spanish (from spain) rock, pop), (rock en espanol, pop latino, rancheras, "quebraditas," y todo lo demas ), (and not to forget US: pop, r&b, hip-hop, alternative, punk-rock, LOve SOngs.)


Volver, The King, Tres Pajaros, Blow, The little MERMAID, Finding NEMO, INSPIRACION, GREASE, FINDING NEVERLAND, CrY BABY, BUTTERFLY EFFECT!!!!, SEMEN: UNA HISTORIA DE AMOR, MALA EDUCACiON, TU MAMA TAMBIEN, MOTORCYCLE DiARiES....and pretty much anything with Johnny Depp or Gael Garcia....fashion, or foreign .


Paint it Black, White Oleander, Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art



My Blog

La ViE en AMOUR--

La ViE en AMOUR--At times the temperamental, in sorrow and confusion behind closed doors.AND, As I think of what I become I realize, I am ONLY human.In Facing the Atmosphere, and in facing the CRowdLe...
Posted by PuLCHriTudE {+} on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:25:00 PST