I'd love to meet some fun new people to get out and do things with...particularly people into Renaissance Festivals, WoW, and geekdom in general.
Earth - Dominant You are very down-to-earth and
sensible... You value common sense and can get
annoyed at those who dont seem to... You are
angry at what the human race has done to the
planet... You are intelligent and
Animagi form:
Most compatible with:
Least compatible with:
Song: Sorrow - Bad
Ruling Goddess:
Are you an Obscure or Dominant Element?? {Great pics}
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You have a beautiful auror
about you, and this makes people feel safe and
peaceful when you are near them... You use your
magic to help people in need and to heal them
both physically and metally... You are a very
calm person and it takes a lot to make you
Instrument: Potions
& Wand
Special Powers: Can
revive someone even if they are an inch from
Animal Form:
Ruling God:Apollo
What kind of magic do you posess? For girls...{pretty anime pics}
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what kind of angel r u? (Girlys only) anime results
You are very loyal to your freinds and family. Anyone who messes with them messes with you and thats not what they want. You alwayz stay to true your promises.
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