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Queen B

About Me

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im the one
and only
i am the way i am, and always will be
you dont like that?
..join the fucking club!..
..looking plain is what i do best..
theres nothing really that special about me.
im scared to death of not knowing my future, and not knowing what will happen with my life, but i guess thats the fun part.
knowing that everyday has the opportunity to be different then the last.
and i dont
believe in god.
but i support those who do.
i cant say the things i feel because i mix them up, and they sound different they are sposed to
so i write them...
i love to write, to get my emotions out on paper.
theres something about seeing my thoughts down in a leather bound book, that makes me feel... acomplished.
i long for the day to wake up
an not have to worry about everything in my life, and not have to be so stressed out everyday
untill then, all i can do is wait.
- I take each day, one at a time
and live in for the next... in fear
- Make your own standards of living
never settle for anothers.
anything else?
ask me.
or better yet......
leave me alone.

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful.
about me:
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[email protected]
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Astraphobia- Fear of Thunder and Lightning
Acrophobia- Fear of Heights
Arachnephobia-Fear of Spiders
Claustrophobia- Fear of Confined Spaces
Coulrophobia- Fear of Clowns
Myctophobia- Fear of Darkness
im the one
and only
but you wont take the time to find out.
..looking plain is what i do best..
im 18 and theres nothing really that special about me.
but im probably the best thing since sliced bread.
i HATE fake people...
the girls that talk shit behind someones back and then...
5 mins later they are hanging out with them like they didnt do anything...
so if your like that... ile prolly hate you
Gordon Curtis Musel has my heart
for ever...
im tiny
- Make your own standards of living
never settle for anothers.
anything else
ask me... (:
and btw im a very blunt person when i dont mean to be
dont judge me, just...
get to know me, i might change your life
Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful.
R.I.P. Rob F. Kenkel
You will be missed by so many.
We will never forget you.
I Love You Always.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

[i would have to say im pretty conent with the people i know right now]

check these boys out.

My Blog


Well did an ingenious writer say of solitude, that in it the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon herself: in the world it sees or accepts a few treacherous supports; the feigned compassion of ...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Jul 2009 17:47:00 GMT

sad day in tama town

today was rob kenkels funeral and im more sad now than i have been since gordon left for the marines for the first timei lost a young man that was like a brother to me that took care of me when i need...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 13:41:00 GMT


ive changed.i dont know what to do so much anymorei like the person i am today... i stand with my head held high, hoping for the best.wishing things will work out, for my life, the way i had always pl...
Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 23:23:00 GMT


-   as the feelings of my past reside in the for front of my mine, a subtle glow of reality comes to play. and in my thoughts of this new reality, more and more becomes clear. my feelings fo...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 21:38:00 GMT