Girls, Cars, Racing, Movies, Parties, Politics, Concerts, History, Books/Misc. info, Instructing driving and firearms, Debating, Video shooting/editing for, Playing baseball, playing tennis, playing pretty much any sport -including badminton ;) - Texas Hold 'em, Video Games, Travel: I can be very spontaneous, sometimes leaving on a moment's notice. Off-roading. All sorts of stuff.
I'd like to meet anyone who shares similar hobbies/passions, or just has something interesting they want to say to me. I'm coachola on AIM. Or just hit me up with a PM or something.
AC/DC, Offspring, Metallica, Aerosmith, Ozzy, OutKast, AFI, Tupac, Genesis, Duran Duran, Disturbed, Rolling Stones, Fuel, Journey, Fenix FX, Pretty much from the 70s straight through now. ..
The Untouchables, Caddyshack, Black Hawk Down, Aliens, Brother, Glen Gary Glen Ross, Lost in Translation, 007, Road Trip, The Rock, American Pie, Saving Private Ryan
Jay Leno, Simpsons, Mail Call, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sopranos, Anything on the History/Discovery Channel except decorating programs, Daily Show, Chappelle's Show, 24 -TELL ME WHERE THE BOMB IS!!!-
Primarily textbooks/non-fiction on areas of interest such as forensics, counter-terrorism and politics. Mad Magazine, The Economist, Gamepro, Various Tom Clancy, Grassroots Motorsports, Car and Driver
The committed and patriotic members of our armed forces/police/fire/paramedics.