About Me
The House of Prince revealed their first cigarette brand to the Danish population in 1957. Their first brand was simply known as "Prince", although in these days has ORIGINAL written below the name. Its also known as "The red Prince." This classic is still the preferred brand of cigarettes to most Danes these days, despite having to compete with the numerous other cigarettes the House of Prince produces. Having tasted this incredible cigarette, i can safely say that no words do it justice.
Among Danes, it's common practice to discuss and even look down on people who smoke a brand different from one's own - just for entertainment naturally. In truth, a lot of them taste alike. Some brands, like Savoy, Look and Queens, are mostly smoked by older women, while young people favor the original Prince. Recently, King's has also gained an increased popularity among the young smokers. However, since this also the choice cigarettes for so called partysmokers, a lot of regular smokers look down upon this brand, YMMV.The House of Prince is the only Danish cigarette production company, accounting for roughly 96% of the Danish cigarette market. The two most commonly uses tobacco mixes uses in House of Prince cigarettes, are 100% Virginia and American Blend.