Eating, napping, a fresh litter box, bug hunting through the other side of the window, playing in my water dish, chewing on the Venetian blinds, hanging out on the bathtub and licking bubbles, following the sun on the carpet, dragging feather toys around the house, putting dusty paw prints all over the coffee table, patting and chasing pellets of food all over the kitchen floor, sitting in front of the screen when mommy is on the computer
No one really. All of my needs are more than met, so I don’t get out much and have no desire to cross the threshold. If the smelling’s good or you’ve got food for me, sure, why not. But for the most part, too many people equals more possibility of getting underfoot, and I don’t need that kind of hassle. Mommy’s my whole world, the rest of you just freak me out when you ring the doorbell.
My favorite is Slaughter and The Dogs’ version of 'Who Are the Litter Box Girls'
I don’t really have the attention span to commit to an entire film. Those toes aren’t going to chew on themselves!
I’m just a cat, but has anyone else noticed that MySpace lists television above books?
Anything that’s available to sit on, I’m not pretentious
Anyone who feeds me, and yet no one- ‘cause I’m a cat