I think too much... shockingly about nothing intelligent
I wear glasses as I am blind but none of my pictures show it
I look emo a lot of the time
Most people won't see me without eyeliner or a fringe
I go out far too much, I dance badly and try to start mosh pits in inappropriate places
I have a fondness of the 80s, I love art deco and the 20s and 30s
I wish I was French so please don't be scared if I speak the odd bit of French to you
I also wish I could speak fluent Italian, I am very slowly getting there!
I am very blunt a lot of the time
I generally don't like other people
I do like stars... a lot
I like daydreaming on buses and trains
I write anything and everything down
I wish I could draw
I wish I could sing.. if I could my band would be awesome
I miss my pirate ship crew =[