Music & vintage motorcycles, Theremins, Tesla coils, Van de Graaf electrostatic generators, microphones, gear.
I would like to meet my heroes - both the living and the dead (listed below left).
Interpol, Verve, Radiohead, My Bloody Valentine, Swervedriver/Toshack Highway/Adam Franklin, The Pleased, The Shore, Spiritualized, Spacemen 3, Blur, Primal Scream, Jesus & Mary Chain, Supergrass, The Beta Band, Suede, Elliott Smith, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Bauhaus, Love & Rockets, KMFDM. NOT IN ANY ORDER.
Manufacturing Consent, Meeting People is easy, Wings of Desire, Dig!, America: From Freedom to Fascism, The Corporation, Blow up, Wings of Desire, Trainspotting, The Yellow Submarine, Vanishing Point, Drugstore Cowboy, Performance, Goodfellas, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Dancer in the Dark, A Clockwork Orange, Babel (only Cheiko's parts), The Song Remains the Same.
Fuck television! There, now that I've said it, I can admit that it I'm watching way too much of it right now. I am not brainwashed though. I'm acutely aware that it is a propaganda and advertisement dispensing device. I'm not buying what they're selling or listening to what they're telling, only entertained and disgusted by how they do it. Can you say the same?
Everything You Know Is Wrong, Lies My Teacher Told Me, The New Nuclear Danger, Fast Food Nation, The Hundred Year Lie, Walden Pond, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, A People's history of the United States, Abuse your Illusions, Lies Across America, Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
Ralph Nader, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Bob Schulz, Helen Caldicott, Henry Thoreau, Nickola Tesla, Guy Fawkes, Larkin Rose, tax resisters, anyone who hates Bush and Cheney as much as I do.