I LoVe mY FaMiLy & FriEnDs!!!
People who aren't into playing games, act ur age NOT ur shoe size! "Ya'll niccaz deal with emotions like bitches", man up...do some push-ups or something! Come correct or don't come at all.I'm tryna eliminate the BULLSHIT and the FAKE ASS PEOPLE so NO LYIN' ASS NICCAZ PLEASE!! U know what u about so PLEASE DON'T come at me sideways!!! Dealt with that enough for this year. I'm real str8 forward. I will tell u what it is, how it is, like it is...cuz it is what it is! So be str8 with me, i'll respect u for it. Save the BS cuz i ain't wit it!! Keep that for the easily impressed..and believe me sweety...IT AIN'T ME!!! Oh, and for my haterz..I'm not mad at ya...U are my biggest fans.
Keep doin' what u do, ur makin me famous!!!
I LOVE horror movies,porn and I'll pretty much watch anything good!
House & Family Guy
Angels & Demons-Dan Brown
My Mom! Firemen Rock!