{*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= profile picture

{*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$=

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Damn she sexy!I am more of the outgoing type who loves to kick it and have fun at whatever it iz i decide to do. Can't nobody do it like me!! Ya DIGG!! =]
...::About Me::...
Full Name: ~Mz.Red Strader~
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Red & Brown
Height: 5''7
Shoe Size: 8 1/2
Ring Size: 6
Heritage: N!gg@ / !ndi@n / Wh!t3
Graduating Year: C/O *2008*
Birthdate: ***D3c3mb3r 26th***...y3A b0i =D
Zodiac Sign: C@pr!corn
Concert: B@ck n da d@yz -Nsync
Best Friend: Brittany & Chris
Crush: Robert
Pet: n/@
Sport: B@sk3tb@ll
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: h3ll no
Bungee Jumped: no
Gone out of the Country: n@h
Beaten Someone Up: lol yea
Gotten Beat Up: n@h
Killed an Animal: n0p3
Swam in the Ocean: n0
Broke the Law: .....y3a
Smoked: y3@
Chewed Tobacco: n0
Drank: yupz
Been Kissed: y3zz!r
Been In Love: ye@
Dumped Someone: ye@
Been Dumped: ye@
Broken Someone's heart: y3s
Had Your Heart Broken: y3s
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: n0
Broken A Bone: n0
Had Surgery: y3s
Had an X-ray or MRI: n0
Failed a Class: n3v3r
Color: turqu0!s3
Food: Ch!ck3n
Drink: W@t3r / Cl3@r P0P
Snack: C00k!3s
Cereal: fr0st3d flak3s
Ice Cream: V@n!ll@
Candy: St@rburst
Restaurant: Fr!d@yz
Fast Food Place: W3ndys
Store: d3p3nds
Animal: D0g
Quote: Fuck ya'll bitches that was there in the beginning but aint here now! -copyrighted by ME
Sport To Play: B@sk3tb@ll
Sport To Watch: F00tb@ll
Movie: L0v3 n B@sk3tb@ll
TV Show: CSI
Type Of Music: h!p h0p / R&B
Band: n/@
Singer: Ne*yo
Song: Shawty - Plies
Pepsi or Coke: N3!th3r
Vanilla or Chocolate: V@n!ll@
Cake or Ice Cream: C@k3
McDonalds or Burger King: McD's
Love or Money: B0th
Music or TV: Mus!c
Cat or Dog: Dog
Mom or Dad: Mom
Truck or Car: C@r
Ocean or Lake: L@k3
Yahoo or Hotmail: Y@h00
Google or AJ: G00gl3
Light or Dark: D@rk
Country or City: C!ty
Rain or Sunshine: Sh!ne
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: App3@r@nc3- clothes wise
Personality or Looks: P3rson@l!ty
Hair Color: Br0wn/Bl@ck
Eye Color: Br0wn/Haz3l
Short or Tall: [email protected] sexy
Romanic or Spontaneous: B0th
Sense of Humor or Sweet: B0th
Hook up or Relationship: R3l@t!0nsh!p
Feeling: Happy
Listening To: You m@k3 m3 b3tt3r -Ne*yo
Wanna: g0 0uts!d3
Doing Besides Typing: 0n d@ ph0n3
Thinking About: W@t imm@ do tod@y
Wearing: J3@ns n Polo
In Love: Y3@
Single: N@H
Best Friends: Brittany & Chris
...::The Future::...
Career: F@sh!0n D3s!gn3r
Marriage: Y3A
Kids: 2
The Ultimate Survey @ MyHotQuizAlso I love to do hair. I got hella skillz. Designed by me Raw as hell Off the top of my dome! lol My Favorite Design. This shit is copyrighted by me! lol This took about 2 hours!All Styles done by me. So you know who to come to if you want your buddahs whipped.My Best Friend & my G for LIFE Brittany!
Your Love Element Is Earth
In love, you have consistency and integrity.
For you, love is all about staying grounded and centered.
You attract others with your zest for life and experiences.
Your flirting style is defined by setting the scene, creating a unique moment in time.
Steady progress and stability are the cornerstones of your love life.
You may take things too slowly, but you never put your heart at risk.
You connect best with: Fire
Avoid: Wood
You and another Earth element: need each other too much to build a good foundation What Element Is Your Love?
What's Your Best Quality?
Your Result: Loving

Your best quality is loving! People like you because of your loving nature. You are a nice person that cares about others. Your loving nature makes you a good friend.

Sense of Humor
What's Your Best Quality?
Take More Quizzesfound this girls layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments

My Interests

Braidin hair, Drivin, Partyin', Dancin, Kickin it with my best friend Brittany, and talkin on the phone.

I'd like to meet:

Ludacris & Dipset


Anything crunk that would make me get up and dance!


Comedy, Romantic, Scary, Horror, All that good shit.


Anything funny and interesting.


All Zane books, Daddy's Little girl, G-Spot, Nervous, Speak, Coldest Winter Ever, Gangsta Girlz, and many more..


My Mother & Sister
Personalized Glitter Graphics

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My Blog

It keepz a smile on my face!

shit shit got damn it.....wat it be like? Man life couldnt be any better at this point. As the years pass and things change, my whole perspective on things has gotten bigger. New and old ppl in my lif...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 10:19:00 PST

*upgraded* -Mz.Red

Well got damn it. aint been on here to speak my mind in a minute. So much to say...so little time. "2007" Man...coming into a new year with new ppl in my life. And bitches and niggas that wasnt ment t...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 04:45:00 PST

Almost time!!!

As I sit here and think about the friends that i have gon thru and the situations i have gon thru...this shit only makes me a stronger person. To sit here and think that the friends that i had wh...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 07:04:00 PST

R.I.P to the angels we have lost at Proviso West High School

October 31, 2006 - A car carrying six students from a suburban school slammed into a tree killing two of them. Police say speed was a factor. The accident happened Tuesday afternoon in west suburban H...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:40:00 PST


why did i put myself in that situation? why am i havin doubts? why dont things just go like they are supposed to? How did we get this far without any problems or complications? Why am i stressin ...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 02:12:00 PST

My friends are blinded by....

Some of my friends are just blinded by love and they jsut dont know what to do most of the time. All I can really do is sit back and chill until they realize that I told them so. I been feeling this w...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 04:19:00 PST

Old True Friends vs. New True Friends

They say that once you get outta 8th grade that you really know who your true friends are! The ones that I still talk to you know I love you to death and for the ones that were my frien...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 01:38:00 PST

Love or Not?

What is love? 1. Love is his smile 2. Love is his way of sweeping you off your feet 3. Love is the way he treats you 4. Love is the connection you feel between him & you 5. Love is something unco...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 05:07:00 PST

*Tear* T.I was gunned down today! :-(

T.I was shot and killed in a gang shooting today, he died atNOTE...it said T.I. got shot and killed thats why you opened it, but if it said JESUS...would you have still opened it?SAY THIS SLOWLY:Jesus...
Posted by {*Mz.Red*} =!m s0 h0t 3v3n if th@ w3@th3r ch@ng3$= on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 05:27:00 PST