visual & performing arts, wrestling & female wrestlers, dance hall queens, aerobics, Spandex, awkwardness, vibrant colours, makeovers, shiny, blk&white, leather, skin, camel toes, anatomy, wearing dead animals, matching gf & bf outfits, extreme fashion, Gareth Pugh, rubber goodies, my mother's closet, weird kids with orange crush mustaches, making sorbet for my friends, deviant desires, personnal odors, blushing, poneys, people who wanna be poneys, role play,shibari, musing, performance of any kind, claps, face slaps, les gens de l'esst & all the others I lav & playerhate.
Vincent Gallo, Marc-André Coallier, collectors & diggerz, On pointers, open minded individuals...anyone who needs a makeover or the support-advice of an artistic directrissse scusez pardon.
trouble everyday, in my skin, brown bunny, palindrome, happiness, rize, me you & everyone we know, porky's, ratcatcher, preaching to the perverted, bendover boyfriend, la collection complète de ilsa la louve des SS, santo contre les monstres, la soubrette brette endessous, John Waters..multiple maniac, tarantino, kubrick, burton, irving klaw, lynch, labyrinth, the never ending story, breakin, beat street, vincent houde, home made gor beautys, twisted amateurs...
20 minutes workout :) Wonder Showzen
Bataille, Poe, Nin, Vian, aussi ceuze-là kion pleins d'imâges )
Bob Flanagan (RIPain)-Houdini-Andrée