to get rid of our not wonderful ppresident the unhonorably george w. bitch and every other crooked politician in the government which is pretty much everybody oh and to stop these illegal motherfuckers from comin here and fuckin everybody!!! im not racist (okay mabye a little)but that's how i feel and pretty much the truth!!!
Stuff for your blog!
Stuff for your blog!
MySpace Codes & MySpace Backgroundsmel gibson russian pres vladimir Putin/ bush (so i can tell him he sold out his country may times over and had our brave and moralamerican men and women bleed american blood and commit immoral deeds he himself ain't man enough to do except sign a piece of paper authorizing our brave soldiers to for lyng us into war and still up too his same tricks with iran now cause they have nooklierbombs like iraq did god bless those who have paid the ultimate price for our greedy administration and there handlers but they are worried eyes are opening so they need to pull off another 9-11 lets pray not cause if so i am afraid that rabbit hole gets deeper if i offended you don't return if you agree let me knoww i ain't the only crazy one) ernest zundel the late Dr. William Pierce Randy Weaver(even though i already did but not since i read his book which everyone should do to hear the truth of the more than tragic crimes that our so called great gov't commited against his family my heart goes out to the weavers god bless you) oh and osama has been dead since tora bora i don;t think there are to many dialisis machines in the mountains
Myspace Layouts & Myspace Graphics
adopt your own virtual pet!
harry twater and the deathly vibrator
hustler and ilike books too