Ello, my name's Matt, also known as The Beast, Fattie, Big Rudy. My life is music, has been ever since i got my first guitar when I was 7. I play guitar, drums, bass, and a tiny bit of piano. So if anyone's lookin for a guitars/bassist/drummer, you're more than welcome to get a hold of me. I'll be off to Berklee College of Music the the Spring semster this upcoming year, i'm psyched! I also enjoy bike riding, rock climbing, and other outdoor activities. I enjoy playin frisbee, soccer, catch, football, basketball,any sport really, as long as its not too competative. The outdoors can be fun tho i'm not a big fan of the sun. So yea, i was bored and felt like changing my whole myspace, w/e, it consumed time and thats wut i was aiming to do.
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