Après les mixtape incendiaires de Lieutenant et Little Sista, voici venue la dernière prod d'Art & Spirit sound system, l'album de Stone J:
En ce moment, j'animes une nouvelle émission musicale de radio sur Campus FM Martinique/ Now on I have a new music show on Campus FM Martinique: Pon di Bass
Pon di Bass est une émission de radio orientée Reggae, Dancehall et Hip-Hop (Rap & R&B); soit, centrée autour de la culture musicale urbaine (d'hier à demain en passant par aujourd'hui).
A ce titre, Pon di Bass est une émission permettant aussi bien de découvrir de nouveaux talents (locaux comme internationaux) que de redécouvrir tout un pan de cette culture musicale inconnue d'une certaine frange de son public.
De plus, Pon di Bass, en invitant un artiste presque toutes les semaines (durant une demi heure environ), espère rapprocher artistes et public en permettant à tout un chacun de découvrir et comprendre l'univers de ces artistes, ainsi que les processus de creation et les difficultées inhérentes au travail dans le milieu de la musique.
Vous pouvez retrouver Pon di Bass et son animateur showda sur Campus FM (96,7), le merecredi de 18h à 19h, alors bonne écoute à tous surtout! Pli ta tout moun...
About me?
Am way too lazy (and I told U more than U need to know) so just ask me...
J'suis vraiment trop faitneant (et je vous ais dis plus que ce que vous aviez besoin de savoir) donc demandez moi juste...
U're curious?/Pour le reste, affi link up @: showda's show
Ou essayez de parler a mon skaz......
My Porn Star Name Is...
Bam Bam What's Your's?
I am just 67% Sociopath
The good news is that you're devastatingly charming.
The bad news? You mostly use those charms for evil! And You, A Sociopath?
I am 84% Cynical
You're cynicism borders on paranoia.
Worry less. You're out to get the world as much as it's out to get you. How Cynical Are You?
I'm 64% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
I'm Somewhat Machiavellian
You're not going to mow over everyone to get ahead...
But you're also powerful enough to make things happen for yourself.
You understand how the world works, even when it's an ugly place.
You just don't get ugly yourself - unless you have to! How Machiavellian Are You?
What I Really Think Of My Friends
Mimi is your soulmate.
You truly love Davy.
You consider Dizzy your true friend.
You know that Guynel is always thinking of you.
You'll remember Chloé for the rest of your life.
You secretly think keith is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.
You secretly think that mimi is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.
You secretly think that Kalyl is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Kalyl changes lovers faster than underwear.
You secretly think Sundé is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Sundé has a hidden internet romance. What Do You Think of Your Friends?
I Should Go to China
China can satisfy your craving for many travel opportunities in one trip.
You can hang out in modern Shanghai, walk along the great wall, or visit sacred mountains. What Asian Country Should You Visit? Now U know more bout me, uh? And, I'm soooo cool, friendly and easy going, nah?
MoNeY Dizzy Djol & MastaMinD
MoNeY Dizzy Djol & MastaMinD