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About Me

SquarElectric is a duo consisting of belgian drummer/producer Michael Schack and DJ/Electrowizz Steve Pittoors.
Steve and Michael ran into each other regularly in the early 2000s, mostly backstage at music festivals in Belgium and sometimes at an Antwerp petrol station filling up their cars. Early 2005 they started exchanging musical ideas and their first demo track, “Sex & Death”, immediately turned heads on Broadjam.com (high entries on electronic and breakbeat Top 10 Central Europe) But they are perfectionists and simply found the demo tracks not good enough for a true album release. So they continued composing, recording and tweeking, which now results in a finished first "solo" album for both of them.
Through their joint connections, this SquarElectric album features guest appearances by Chuck D (Public Enemy), Joseph Bowie (Defunkt), Hans Dulfer (Candy’s dad) and David "Tweeky" Ahlund (Stockholm, Sweden) amongst others. It even includes a Chinese traditional love chant, totally remade into a challenging high energy "Drum'nBass'nSynth" track named "1000 Years".
More details on Michael & Steve :
Steve Pittoors is the producer/DJ of belgian HipHop group ABN and Joseph Bowie’s Kosen Rufu. He's also a video wizzard, owning his own audiovisual production company "Duffelcoat" and his own record label, "Negligemusic".
Michael Schack is an international Roland V-Drums solo artist/sound designer, producer and in demand live drummer. Apart from touring Europe and Asia as a demonstrating/solo drummer, he plays live with belgian artist Ozark Henry and many others.
For both of them, the SquarElectric album is their first personal release.
Contact : [email protected]
Squarelectric - Do Me Sexy from Steve Pittoors on Vimeo .
SQUARELECTRIC, SquarElectric. Available at Juno Download.

My Interests


Member Since: 27/05/2006
Band Website: http://www.squarelectric.com
Band Members: Michael Schack, Steven Caine

Sounds Like: Prodigy, Basement Jaxx, Squarepusher, Amon Tobin
Type of Label: Indie

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