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About Me

Get your layout at TweakingMySpace.comI'm just a girl trying to get by in a crazy world full of crazy people... If i cud - wud like to try a bit o modeling if i cud.. but...only artistically speaking lol! Apart from that i've just graduated with a 2.1 in zoology from university of Bristol and im taking a gap year to travel and gain some more conservation experience. Really want to go to Africa!

MySpace Avatars Lyrics

My Interests

Interests: I love music- trying out new kinds and hearing stuff from other countries,and singing! i love travelling and experiencing other parts of the world and cultures. Art is another main interest.... but my main passion is being outdoors in nature cos i love wildlife and animals - being a zoologist and all! I also love being around good friends, getting ready to go out with my girlies and going out dancing n generally having a good time :)..

I'd like to meet:

Defs like to meet david attenborough so i cud steal his job! lol hes had an amazing career and im very envious! apart from him... i think everyone has a story and is interesting in their own right. Especially those with a big heart and good spirit.


Music: i like a bit of everything.. especially when the artist can perform and sounds good live lol zamajobe / freshlyground, gospel eg harlem gospel choir, and old skool classics like stevie wonder, otis reading etc... cheesey pop music on the radio and anything uplifting and happy for the summer - i love artists with a positive vibe. anything on kauai coast fm john mayer jason mraz,Amy winehouse, Sugarbabes, fou malade, India arie... all good oh and my cousin Nina :) This is a video of one of my all time fav artists - she had such talent and spirit - and wasn't afraid to stand up for what she believed in during apartheid in SA as a result she was exiled.


Movies: ohh tough one... i love movies soooo..... hmm i do like lord of the rings, the pianist, shrek, ice age, anchorman , naked gun, tanguy .... oh disney films - not the crappy new ones - anything after lion king is poo...! I will watch anything apart from horror (i'm a fraidycat lol)


TV: TV wise: un dos tres (shitty but so good lol), black books, fraiser, the simpsons, family guy, neighbours, heroes... and good natural history programmes


Books: i love reading and will have a go at reading pretty much any book... Anything by paul theroux, lord of the rings, memoirs of a geisha, great expectations, sophie's choice....i'll read almost anything though


Heroes: marylin monroe, david attenborough, Dianne fossey, Jane goodall (i met her!!) Mahatma Gandhi his actions were inspirational, my close friends, my mum and dad!