Agon profile picture


a new era begins

About Me

In 2002 Carles Crespo, Dani Altisent, Mireia Farré and Xavi Ulled got united to form the band AGON. From their very begins they demonstrated their original and personal way to understand the heavy metal music due to the different influences of the members. With this line-up they moved in different gigs all over their land, and won some contests in Lleida. in the spring of 2005 they entered in the studio to record their first demo. It wouldn't be until 2006 when a new member, Sergi Rosselló, came to play the guitar. At he end of this same year, Xavi U., who was their bass player, decided to leave the band. After several tests with other instrumentists, they decided that a new member, Abel Aranda, would join the band as their band new 4-string player. In 2007, Dani Altisent, one of their guitar players, decided to leave the band too and then, Abel Aranda changed the bass for the guitar. After a hard year of tests with different bassists, on June 2008, a new member joined the band, he is Ricard Arias."There were a lot of changes in the band throughout this years, but the band is still rockin' on!" last, AGON is complete, and a new era is about to beginCurrently, the band is about to enter in the studio again and record their first LP, " we are also working to write more songs and to be soon on tour again"

My Interests


Member Since: 5/27/2006
Band Members: Mireia Farré- Vocals / Abel Aranda- Guitars & Vocals / Carles Crespo- Drums / Sergi Rosselló- Guitars / Ricard Arias-BassFormer members: Xavi Ulled-Bass guitar (2002-2006) Dani Altisent- Guitar (2002-2007)
Sounds Like:

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Type of Label: None

My Blog

desbarajust (this a bar jazz)

Això és un bar de jazz, jazz ta be home home home. Des de l´estudi de grabació us fem saber 2 d´una primicia mundial, la subformació dins de la formació d´AGON del nou grup més underground k el metro...
Posted by Agon on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 01:47:00 PST

Grabando disco

Por fin ya estamos grabando disco en los estudios Salver,todo está funcionando muy bien y pronto podreis escuchar el nuevo disco con 9 temas y  nuevos temas.
Posted by Agon on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 10:27:00 PST


   Aquests son moments tristos per la banda, després de gairebé 5 anys de compartir bons i mals moments, fred i calor, moments de relax, moments d'inspiració.............deixem el nostre lo...
Posted by Agon on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:18:00 PST

Concert a Fondarella...:(

Per motius de força major ens hem vist obligats a cancelar el bolo de Fondarella...des d'aquí li desitjem al nostre guitarra Sergi que es millori ben aviat!! Ep! Pero el Fondarella Rock continua amb ...
Posted by Agon on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 03:42:00 PST

Tornem-hi que no ha estat res!!!

TORNEM-HI QUE NO HA ESTAT RES! Desprès d'uns dies de descans i tranquilitat per poder posar tot en el seu lloc i meditar sobre el futur d'Agon....continuarem amb l'Abel Aranda, que fins ara tocaba el ...
Posted by Agon on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 05:05:00 PST


No en surtim d'una i sembla que en caiem a una altra!!!...el nostre guitarrista, Dani Altisent ha decidit deixar la banda. Estem acabant de decidir si l'Abel es posarà a partir d'ara a la guitarra o s...
Posted by Agon on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:14:00 PST


Bones noticies agonians!!! Finalment, hem pogut solucionar part dels nostres contratemps i gracies als companys del Cau, aquest dissabte estarem a Ponts Ràdio a partir de les 6:30 de la tarda...sinton...
Posted by Agon on Fri, 04 May 2007 02:04:00 PST


Malauradament, per un inoportú entrebanc intern del grup, ens hem vist obligats a cancelar el concert i l'entrevista a radio Ponts, al programa Cau de Folls, que teniem previst per aquest dissabte dia...
Posted by Agon on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 02:41:00 PST