My name is Debs and...well...i dont think i've ever eaten a fish....
Bruce - your an inspiration to all of us!
To quote my favourite game, im a walking mass of complexes.
Why you may ask?
Well my favourite film is Battle Royale which involves high school students being slaughted;
however, i also know the soundtrack to High School Musical which involces high school students singing and dancing and being in love.....bit of a difference there eh?
I love all things japanese and anime though i feel like getting out my shotgun when i hear little girls scream "Kawaii" every few seconds then claim they can speak japanese
They can't even pronounce it pronounce it right!
It's Kah-Wa-ee not Kah-wai-ai baka
Im also a sucker for a good old disney movie, especially the classics like The Lion King and the Little Mermaid although i hated the Little Mermaid Level in Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2.
Sora as a pretty boy popstar made me rofl a lot.
I like thinking up bloopers for various anime/movies and my Advent Children ones are quite popular on the AdventChildren forums.
I think it's my odd sense of humour that makes them work though as the majority of them are things that have happened to me except obviously i can't fly or chase people around town on motorbikes
My music taste is probably the oddest thing about me as it's so eclectic.
I love J-rock and Visual Kei however im also a sucker for trance and Europop such as Caramelldansen and Aqua
Fave bands - Malice Mizer, Utada Hikaru, Dir En Grey, Gackt, Puffy Ami Yumi, Alice Nine, Kagrra, BoA, Lareine and many many more
i liek teh pr3tty st@rs
?????????????????????????Now for some Image randomness! IT'S GRAVITATION....sowwy i couldnt resist!
Layout made by ladymaeve