I am Alicia, also known as Beautifully Broken, a teenage Christian performer who has a heart for using music to reach her generation. God has shown His faithfulness and patience while helping me take each step in music.
I started writing my own songs by the time I was 10. Though as my parents would tell you, I was coming up with my own versions of songs long before that. Throughout my lifetime God has brought oppertunity after oppertunity for me to take part in music ministry. Choirs, worship teams, musicals, The Continental Singers, and now internet ministry, mainly myspace and YouTube.
I strongly feel called to be a Christian artist, and I pray that God will continue to guide my steps, cause I'm sure I'd end up wandering who knows where without Him. I hope that you enjoy listening to what He has blessed me with, as much as I enjoy performing it.
God bless you always.
~Beautifully Broken~