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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

When I was just a young boy growing up on the tough streets of "The D" (Detroit to all you outsiders) I used to sit down by the river and gently throw pebbles into the unstable waters that lye before me..the sound the water made is unforgettable, "pladoop.....pladoop", the water would say with much clarity. This sound, this..."pladoop" reminded me of one thing, that’s right MILK, sweet sweet MILK, the nectar of the gods. It was a cold and windy day on January 15th 1920 that I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. I rushed home and yelled, "mamie, mamie!", she then replied, "what is it Clair?"...."I screamed as loud as a young lad could, "I want to be a cow when I grow up!!" and although my dream didn’t exactly come true I did achieve greatness..fore I am Milky The Clown, ruler of the Milky Kingdom and heir to the thrown of Milkonia....though my struggle continues I will one day see that every child know the joy an ice cold glass of the white stuff can bring......I will keep the world informed to my goings ons in this here myspace keep an ear tuned to the milkster....peace out
Heres a little rap for you all to vibe with...I didnt write it, but I could have....I can really relate you know?
"Straight to your bones, from the farm to the fridge. We know what you want ‘cause we know how you live. Moooooo. We got a big bad Bessie with the M.I.L.K. We be chillin’ when we drinkin, Want milk? you say? Uh huh Uh huh, I said. More milk? Uh huh Uh huh. Come on. Want milk? Uh huh Uh huh, I said. More milk?"

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I sometimes dream of a woman who would whisper sweet nothings into my ear as we both indulge ourselves to a plethora of flowing milk......sometimes I look into the sky and say to myself, "milky, Is she out there? does she know your gallons of fun?" and then Milky Says, "Oh she knows......and she’s a comin"

Also I would like to meet anyone with a passion for milk and milk related know....cream, cheese, creamcheese, the works.

Leave me a voice comment if your down with the M-I-L-K!!

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My Blog

Magic Level Problems

It has been brought to my attention that some "wild" kids out there have been consuming Pop Rocks, if Ive told you once Ive told you a million times......Pop Rocks contain a magic level of 98%.....thi...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 02:04:00 GMT

back from the dead

I was never really dead...I just play dead on TV ...and now I'm back to have gallons of fun with the peep's I meet on my travles....lets start a milk day.......Just remember what I say, "As the milk ...
Posted by on Mon, 29 May 2006 08:15:00 GMT