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Super PIZZA Party

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Member Since: 26/05/2006
Band Members: Gumby/sk 1/TUXDOG/snorkel/furby/R Man Do/jarjar/kirby/cracky/ms. Z/chef dub
Influences: Batteries, retardation,streamers, toys, PIZZA, neon jump suits, fire works, beat boxing, hot boxing, womens athleticwear, video games, light sabers, lazers,nerds on crack, circuit bent space ships, silly string,neon rednek.lazer fagg,carnival prizes,giant stuffed animals,lsd,pcp,dmt,2ce,jgb,kxt.b&d,T C B
noise making waves interview with Chris Spohn by jon bosworth [email protected]: Super Pizza Party and Dandi WindWHERE: TSIWHEN: July 11When you Google "Chris Spohn," this Jacksonville musician/performance artist's page comes up first. On it, Spohn lists some of the names he has played under, both by himself and with a large variety of other Jacksonville musicians and performers. When I first met Chris, he and I went to Orange Park High School together and he was in a post-progressive band called Gothic. Later he formed an indie-rock band called Dust. During the ten years that followed, Spohn found his true calling in innovative performance and noise projects.When I first came across his name after high school, it was in an Ink 19 article about Crack Rock Asteroids, one of his early noise-art projects. Some of his other titles have included Milk of Amnesia, Brotherhood of Neptune, Barnyard, Green Aura, Holy Bible Heavy Psych, Astro Infinity Rainbow, and Astral Plains Drifter, among others. He also categorizes his genre as "Witchcraft."Since those adolescent days of high school, Chris has become a prolific self-published author, releasing five avant-garde books, he has released twelve solo CDs (my favorite of which is The Worlds of Chris Spohn Volume 14) and since the proliferation of the Internet, he has found a perfect medium for creating his many personalities through sites such as You Tube and MySpace, among others.One of Spohn's newer projects started off as a joke. Spohn describes Super Pizza Party as sounding like being at a video arcade and the Super Pizza Party MySpace likens the sound to three ice cream trucks.Imagine being at a child's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese or Cici's Pizza when twenty guys in neon women's athletic wear come running in and spaz out on children's toy instruments for ten minutes while throwing pizza around. That is Super Pizza Party. I caught up with him in Riverside to ask him a few questions about this project.EU: What is Super Pizza Party? How did it start?CS: The Psychedelic Kid asked me to do something at one of his noise festivals, come out and play something, and I wanted to do something different, something that would throw off the other noise guys. I thought it would be funny, ridiculous, preposterous. I never thought people would like it. And when people said they liked it and said it was cool, one of the coolest things at the whole [festival], they convinced me to do it more.EU: Who are the members of Super Pizza Party?CS: It's pretty much anyone that wants to be in it. We just tell all of our friends that if they want to be in it then they're in it. Jay Peele always has a big hand in it. Yeah, it's mostly me and Jay that run it. He runs the website and we correlate the whole concept. It's pretty simple, you know, you just have to wear the neon women's athletic wear and play the key-tar, that's about it.EU: What made you take the SPP project more seriously?CS: People liking it. I was only going to do it one time and I always say I'll never do it again. But I try to make it bigger and better. I was influenced by a friend who told me about these guys that only play once a month in the electronics department of JC Penney and that's their band, so that kind of influenced me a little bit. It made me think about a novelty act in a little different of a direction.EU: Why the bright jumpsuits?CS: I wanted it to be kind of nerdy, kind of funny. I like neon a lot. All the art I do and all of the projects I do have neon. The neon women's athletic wear is readily available at any thrift store, man, and it just seemed to be the best, most logical choice for uniforms. And you can't be up there unless you're wearing them; it's one of the main prerequisites. It's very important.EU: What makes it relevant to some lady that's having a birthday party for her kid at Chuck E. Cheese when Super Pizza Party comes in?CS: Usually everyone is kind of smiling, you know, they think it's funny. It's kind of goofy. It's a weird thing to do, you know? Some people may not understand that the guerilla performance aspects of it are very simple and harmless. It's mostly to get video for Internet. The club performances are more noise and experimental. Chaos and happening and fluxus.How a lot of these projects go has to do with the fluxus principle. You start with a basic idea, as John Cage proposed it and Al Hanson had done a lot of fluxus stuff. You start with a basic idea, and you don't know exactly what's going to happen, but you accept and are pleased with the final result. That's the whole piece. It's weird.
Sounds Like: 3 ice cream trucks

Record Label: weird joke records
Type of Label: Major

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EU Jacksonville article

noise making waves interview with Chris Spohn by jon bosworth [email protected] WHAT: Super Pizza Party and Dandi Wind WHERE: TSI WHEN: July 11 When you Google "Chris Spohn," this Jacksonv...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jul 2007 15:49:00 GMT


Posted by on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 15:28:00 GMT