dave...dingo...man ive nown u for to long..wat has it been now 7 years...dude thats long...lol...you definalty are my lost brother...we go through the same shit...good and bad..most of them bad becuase when most people are in a crappy mood we are the ones who are happy fucks...lol...id take a bullet for u and i now ud do the same for me...we are dudes for life....WE RIDE TOGHTER WE DIE TOGHTERbrit....its seems only yesterday i met u..that little blonde who i thought waz nuts....lol...now we are the best ofr friends and i would never change that...weve always had good times when we chyll....weve never fought or had a bad time(dont want to jinks it)..lol...were hommies for life..and no one in the world as a friendsship like we do..luv ya brit stevie....ive nown u for the same time ive nown britt....ur are one of my true friends...yes weve had our bad times...sumtimes u hated my guts for my stupidy....im glad we are still friends and i hope nuthin will change that...luv ya shhtevie hey...i now this gurl...i even dated her that didnt work out to well..but we are good friends now and it will be like that forever......weve always had good times some bad..mainly when ur speical firned comes every mounth..lol...coudlnt do nuthin wit out ya panda..luv ya333
resdient evil 3 was sick...i like all the resident evel movies
addicted to t.v
Hate the books