Funeral Dancer profile picture

Funeral Dancer

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is the 3rd book of the New Testament .
I don't believe in anything.
There is no God, Satan, Heaven, or Hell.
If there does happen to be a Hell, I hope that Satan has a front-row seat reserved specifically for ME:)
At least that would put some sort of excitement into my existence.
I really don't believe in life (or existence) after death.
When we die, we simply cease to exist.
I don't like when people preach to me about their god or religion.
I don't like when people pray for me.
Your prayers will never work on me, so don't waste your time.
And if you DO decide to pray for me, don't touch me while doing so.
I might end up breaking your wrist.
I know all about Christianity and the Bible.
I was raised as a Christian. It's all dead to me now.
The more you try to convince me otherwise, the less I believe.
I don't care how the world originated and I don't care how it will end.
I don't care IF it originated or IF it will end.
I don't believe in "The Creation", "The Big Bang Theory", or "Evolution".
Going to church, reading the Bible, doing good deeds, and/or financially supporting a religion or religious cause DOES NOT get a person into the so-called "Heaven"!
It amuses me when a person tries to remove a splinter from my eye, while they have an oak tree stuck in theirs:)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People that have COMMON SENSE and similar interests. And also, the guy who invented the microwave. The microwave is a blessing from God! My MSN is [email protected]

My Blog

Ugliness In Beauty

You are not worth saving. You are not worth caring for. I am the worst that will ever happen to you. I'm never going to be there for you. I'm never going to pick you up when you are down. I am no...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Dec 2009 04:17:00 GMT

Body Language

I heard on the news today that someone died of multiple stab wounds. I looked to see if yours was the face they flashed across the screen. Youre SO STARVED for attention, so if you think about it...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Nov 2009 21:54:00 GMT


Destroyed...Her body was destroyed!"If you thought you were going to walk away from thiswithout a scratch, you were wrong!You're going to taste my DNA,whether you like it or not!Beg for your life, or ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Sep 2009 01:03:00 GMT

To All You GIRLS Out There!

I'm not looking right now, so leave me alone.I already have enough problems in my life,and I don't need another one.
Posted by on Sat, 29 Aug 2009 10:31:00 GMT


I like my women how I like my meat... HOT, HEAVY, and GREASY!
Posted by on Sat, 18 Feb 2006 04:43:00 GMT